Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks
Did you know that 83 percent of kids believe that they can help children in other countries in addition to people in their own communities? That’s according to the “Kids' Altruism Indicator” conducted in partnership with Parenting magazine. Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks wants to make it easy for kids to give back locally and globally.
Do you know how you’ll teach your son to be a giving individual? Betty Crocker is here to help. The Betty Crocker® Fruit Flavored Snacks’ “Win & Give” program is encouraging kids’ giving.
Now through May kids in the U.S. have an opportunity to instantly win a laptop from specially-marked packages of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks. For eachlaptop won, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks will donate a laptop to a child in Africa. It’s that simple.

To find out how the laptops positively impact the lives of the children and to learn ways parents can talk to their kids about giving back, visit
To enter, tell me how you give back in your community. Give me details. Is your entire family involved? Share tips. Ideas. Be specific. Leave your answer in the comments below as your first, mandatory entry. This is worth 5 entries.
BONUS! If you do a video entry sharing how you give back, then you get 25 entries for the laptop. You must leave a YouTube link in the comments to get the entries.
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Giveaway ends 5/22/11 and is open to US only. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.
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We regularly contribute to food and coat drives. When I was teaching, I organized the school wide household item drive to benefit a local assistance agency that helped young families get started.
When it is my turn to host a family get-together, I charge $1 per adult that goes to the food bank. I always included my son in these activities. When he was very small, it became his job to choose toys for new toy drives and help sort his old toys for other donations. As a teen, he volunteered at the local blood bank, and he and I were regular donors.
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My 6 year old daughter has always been the “giver” in our family. She is constantly going into her toy box and filling boxes for other kids. She helps us once a month at the Church for their food drive. She may be small but she is such a big help she will walk with older people and help them get food off the table. Just last week she came home and told me that she wants to walk in the Jacob Z. 5k run/walk to help a local boy go to Texas and get treatments for a tumor. When I told her it would be a lot of walking she said she didn’t mind cause she wants him to be able to go to Texas and get the help he needs. Let me tell you I shed a tear. She helps my mom who had surgery on her shoulder pull weeds in the garden and they are now planning on going to the store to pick up veggies to plant. My Gabs has such a huge heart she never asks for anything in return. She helped me get a lot of baby stuff together to donate to mothers who needed it.
I am a volunteer for our local Jr cheerleaders. I have coached for several years and this year i signed up to coach the youngest group but after receiving a call I will now be coaching the Varsity Girls. The Board of Directors requested that I coach the older ones because “I am very responsible and teach them the good values they will need for HS” My oldest daughter will also be walking in the 5k run. The girls this year were hosting a garage sale to raise money for their uniforms so we decided to go around and collect donations for the sale. Anything that is not sold we will be donating to the Vets for heir clothing drive. I try to get my daughters involved as much as possible with volunteering, Unfortunately in our area there is not a very big “need” for it. So I always try to instill in them that when you help people it makes you feel good and gives your life meaning. I would really like to win this so I can give it to my well deserved daughter. Even if we don’t win I know it will not have an effect on her volunteering, She will still be strong! 🙂
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We regularly donate excess clothing and household items to the local battered women’s shelter. Additionally, I donate a lot of food and health and beauty items to the local food bank (I’m a big couponer, and some of these diaper deals are insane!) as well as pet food to the local animal shelter when I run across a great coupon/sale.
We always make sure and recycle. We have pick up every two weeks and usually have an overflow of bottles, cans, and cardboard. It’s a little thing, but it definitely adds up over time, especially with many families participate.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
We always make sure and recycle. We have pick up every two weeks and usually have an overflow of bottles, cans, and cardboard. It’s a little thing, but it definitely adds up over time, especially with many families participate.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
We always make sure and recycle. We have pick up every two weeks and usually have an overflow of bottles, cans, and cardboard. It’s a little thing, but it definitely adds up over time, especially with many families participate.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
We always make sure and recycle. We have pick up every two weeks and usually have an overflow of bottles, cans, and cardboard. It’s a little thing, but it definitely adds up over time, especially with many families participate.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
We always make sure and recycle. We have pick up every two weeks and usually have an overflow of bottles, cans, and cardboard. It’s a little thing, but it definitely adds up over time, especially with many families participate.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
My family and I give back through volunteerism and monetary or physical donations of clothing or gently used items every year!
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All of my children have been brought up to volunteer. We all donate food often as well as household items, etc. We donate clothing and toys and toiletries to a local women’s shelter on a regular basis. A tip to get started volunteering is to ask at your church or at a local food pantry. Everyone knows of places that need our help especially in this economy.
All of my children have been brought up to volunteer. We all donate food often as well as household items, etc. We donate clothing and toys and toiletries to a local women’s shelter on a regular basis. A tip to get started volunteering is to ask at your church or at a local food pantry. Everyone knows of places that need our help especially in this economy.
All of my children have been brought up to volunteer. We all donate food often as well as household items, etc. We donate clothing and toys and toiletries to a local women’s shelter on a regular basis. A tip to get started volunteering is to ask at your church or at a local food pantry. Everyone knows of places that need our help especially in this economy.
All of my children have been brought up to volunteer. We all donate food often as well as household items, etc. We donate clothing and toys and toiletries to a local women’s shelter on a regular basis. A tip to get started volunteering is to ask at your church or at a local food pantry. Everyone knows of places that need our help especially in this economy.
All of my children have been brought up to volunteer. We all donate food often as well as household items, etc. We donate clothing and toys and toiletries to a local women’s shelter on a regular basis. A tip to get started volunteering is to ask at your church or at a local food pantry. Everyone knows of places that need our help especially in this economy.
We regularly contribute to food and coat drives. We buy one or two extra items per grocery trip )sale or coupon item) and accumulate those for donation. When I was teaching, I organized the school wide drive for household items for a local assistance center that helped young families set up housekeeping. I always included my son–when he was very small, it became his job to choose a toy for new toy drives, and sort his toys for other donations.
We give back by donating outgrown clothes and toys to charity. We also donate food to the local food bank and participate in local lake clean ups. We try to teach our kids to help in little ways. Just being kind to others or putting extra change in the money collectors for Ronald McDonald House or the local human society. We also purchase items like chickens and Bibles for poverty stricken countries through Gospel For Asia. This past Christmas, my boys asked if they could take money out of their piggy banks to buy extra items. I was so proud!
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
We give back by donating outgrown clothes and toys to charity. We also donate food to the local food bank and participate in local lake clean ups. We try to teach our kids to help in little ways. Just being kind to others or putting extra change in the money collectors for Ronald McDonald House or the local human society. We also purchase items like chickens and Bibles for poverty stricken countries through Gospel For Asia. This past Christmas, my boys asked if they could take money out of their piggy banks to buy extra items. I was so proud!
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
We give back by donating outgrown clothes and toys to charity. We also donate food to the local food bank and participate in local lake clean ups. We try to teach our kids to help in little ways. Just being kind to others or putting extra change in the money collectors for Ronald McDonald House or the local human society. We also purchase items like chickens and Bibles for poverty stricken countries through Gospel For Asia. This past Christmas, my boys asked if they could take money out of their piggy banks to buy extra items. I was so proud!
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
We give back by donating outgrown clothes and toys to charity. We also donate food to the local food bank and participate in local lake clean ups. We try to teach our kids to help in little ways. Just being kind to others or putting extra change in the money collectors for Ronald McDonald House or the local human society. We also purchase items like chickens(providing not only food but a source of income) and Bibles for poverty stricken countries through Gospel For Asia. This past Christmas, my boys asked if they could take money out of their piggy banks to buy extra items. I was so proud!
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
We give back by donating outgrown clothes and toys to charity. We also donate food to the local food bank and participate in local lake clean ups. We try to teach our kids to help in little ways. Just being kind to others or putting extra change in the money collectors for Ronald McDonald House or the local human society. We also purchase items like chickens(providing not only food but a source of income) and Bibles for poverty stricken countries through Gospel For Asia. This past Christmas, my boys asked if they could take money out of their piggy banks to buy extra items. I was so proud!
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IIdonate blood to the red cross fairly regularly – usually anytime I hear about a blood drive if it has been a couple months since I last gave. It only costs me a little bit of time and I know it saves lives.
I donate blood to the red cross fairly regularly – usually anytime I hear about a blood drive if it has been a couple months since I last gave. It only costs me a little bit of time and I know it saves lives.
I donate blood to the red cross fairly regularly – usually anytime I hear about a blood drive if it has been a couple months since I last gave. It only costs me a little bit of time and I know it saves lives.
I donate blood to the red cross fairly regularly – usually anytime I hear about a blood drive if it has been a couple months since I last gave. It only costs me a little bit of time and I know it saves lives.
I donate blood to the red cross fairly regularly – usually anytime I hear about a blood drive if it has been a couple months since I last gave. It only costs me a little bit of time and I know it saves lives.
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My granddaughter and I volunteer one day a week at the local Kid’s Club at the center.
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My family donates to charities, and those in need. My kids and I gather stuff here and there. We put it in a certain spot, and when we have enough we will take it in.
2 My family donates to charities, and those in need. My kids and I gather stuff here and there. We put it in a certain spot, and when we have enough we will take it in.
3 My family donates to charities, and those in need. My kids and I gather stuff here and there. We put it in a certain spot, and when we have enough we will take it in.
4 My family donates to charities, and those in need. My kids and I gather stuff here and there. We put it in a certain spot, and when we have enough we will take it in.
5 My family donates to charities, and those in need. My kids and I gather stuff here and there. We put it in a certain spot, and when we have enough we will take it in.
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we donate clothes, shoes and toys to local families
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We donate to charities, and we also buy items from the charities that sell items for causes.
I always volunteer at our church and my kid’s school for any cause.
We donate clothes to the shelters around town.
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Every three months me and my kids donate our gently worn and outgrown clothing as well as our toys that we no longer play with to a local charity that, in turn, gives them to local families in need for free. Thanks.
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Mandatory Entry #1: our public library system was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Public funds have not covered repairing them. We believe that libraries are really important, not only for school age children and reading, but for people with limited resources as places to look for jobs with internet/computer access. We donate time (by working at book sales and by doing general clean up work), money and resources. I really hope our effort help the libraries come back better than before. Our whole family works together on this.. even our youngest who mostly just helps by being cute at events =)
Mandatory Entry #2: our public library system was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Public funds have not covered repairing them. We believe that libraries are really important, not only for school age children and reading, but for people with limited resources as places to look for jobs with internet/computer access. We donate time (by working at book sales and by doing general clean up work), money and resources. I really hope our effort help the libraries come back better than before. Our whole family works together on this.. even our youngest who mostly just helps by being cute at events =)
Mandatory Entry #3: our public library system was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Public funds have not covered repairing them. We believe that libraries are really important, not only for school age children and reading, but for people with limited resources as places to look for jobs with internet/computer access. We donate time (by working at book sales and by doing general clean up work), money and resources. I really hope our effort help the libraries come back better than before. Our whole family works together on this.. even our youngest who mostly just helps by being cute at events =)
Mandatory Entry #4: our public library system was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Public funds have not covered repairing them. We believe that libraries are really important, not only for school age children and reading, but for people with limited resources as places to look for jobs with internet/computer access. We donate time (by working at book sales and by doing general clean up work), money and resources. I really hope our effort help the libraries come back better than before. Our whole family works together on this.. even our youngest who mostly just helps by being cute at events =)
Mandatory Entry #5: our public library system was badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Public funds have not covered repairing them. We believe that libraries are really important, not only for school age children and reading, but for people with limited resources as places to look for jobs with internet/computer access. We donate time (by working at book sales and by doing general clean up work), money and resources. I really hope our effort help the libraries come back better than before. Our whole family works together on this.. even our youngest who mostly just helps by being cute at events =)
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I’m disabled and can’t work so, I love to do volunteer work. I provide free counseling to people who doesn’t have insurance and can’t afford to pay a psychologist or therapist or life coach.
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I do the usual stuff: help others when possible, donate food and clothes, household items, but my real passion is animals. I was never an animal person until we got our first family dog 8 years ago. Now? I’m a crazy cuckoo, over the top animal lover for sure. The past two weeks I have rescued four turtles and a teeny tiny baby kitten from being run over. My real passion, my way to give back, my life’s calling will come in two years when my daughter graduates high school. I can’t wait! Lol. My little sis, who is in the Navy right now, has already told me she wants to help me in my venture. Hubby and I are moving even further into the country than we are now so we will have tons of room for animals to roam. I am going to stock up on collars, medicine, food, and whatever else I need, but an old truck and drive around rescuing animals who don’t have a home or a family. Kind of like a dog catcher, but the good kind. Lol. I am going to clean them up and give them a home, whether they stay with us or I find another family to take them, I am going to save them and find them a home. Sorry to ramble but I’m really excited.
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I have been the chairman of our school’s book fair for 11 years.
I started as a co-chair when my son was in kindergarten and the following year I chaired it on my own and never looked back.
I want to encourage kids to read and to get as many books as possible into their sweet little hands. All our books are 20% off and I hold a spring and fall book fair.
My son, daughter, husband and many volunteers help with set up, selling and take down. Their is a lot of planning and scheduling beforehand and take down and paperwork afterward.
To me it is well worth the effort and I am even considering staying on to help after my kids graduate.
Thanks for the great giveaway! #1
I have been the chairman of our school’s book fair for 11 years.
I started as a co-chair when my son was in kindergarten and the following year I chaired it on my own and never looked back.
I want to encourage kids to read and to get as many books as possible into their sweet little hands. All our books are 20% off and I hold a spring and fall book fair.
My son, daughter, husband and many volunteers help with set up, selling and take down. Their is a lot of planning and scheduling beforehand and take down and paperwork afterward.
To me it is well worth the effort and I am even considering staying on to help after my kids graduate.
Thanks for the great giveaway! #2
I have been the chairman of our school’s book fair for 11 years.
I started as a co-chair when my son was in kindergarten and the following year I chaired it on my own and never looked back.
I want to encourage kids to read and to get as many books as possible into their sweet little hands. All our books are 20% off and I hold a spring and fall book fair.
My son, daughter, husband and many volunteers help with set up, selling and take down. Their is a lot of planning and scheduling beforehand and take down and paperwork afterward.
To me it is well worth the effort and I am even considering staying on to help after my kids graduate.
Thanks for the great giveaway! #3
I have been the chairman of our school’s book fair for 11 years.
I started as a co-chair when my son was in kindergarten and the following year I chaired it on my own and never looked back.
I want to encourage kids to read and to get as many books as possible into their sweet little hands. All our books are 20% off and I hold a spring and fall book fair.
My son, daughter, husband and many volunteers help with set up, selling and take down. Their is a lot of planning and scheduling beforehand and take down and paperwork afterward.
To me it is well worth the effort and I am even considering staying on to help after my kids graduate.
Thanks for the great giveaway! #4
I have been the chairman of our school’s book fair for 11 years.
I started as a co-chair when my son was in kindergarten and the following year I chaired it on my own and never looked back.
I want to encourage kids to read and to get as many books as possible into their sweet little hands. All our books are 20% off and I hold a spring and fall book fair.
My son, daughter, husband and many volunteers help with set up, selling and take down. Their is a lot of planning and scheduling beforehand and take down and paperwork afterward.
To me it is well worth the effort and I am even considering staying on to help after my kids graduate.
Thanks for the great giveaway! #5
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I sponsor a poor family in the rural South through The Box Project and send them a monthly box of good and am pen pals with them.
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My family is very involved in Boy Scouts which instills service in our community. We do many food drives, plant flowers for the fire department, rake leaves for the home for the elderly and clean up parks and playgrounds. Additionally, we regularly collect for Toys for Tots. As Student Government Advisor at the school I teach at, we always instill in our students the importance to serve others and we organize charity drives for victims of natural disasters both locally and globally.
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we buy food for the local food pantry, my girls help pick out the food and donate from their piggy banks, i am so proud of them, we have had to use them in the past, and i am really proud of them!
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we donate to the local food pantry 5
We donate food often as well as household items, etc. And just recently heard that our local animal shelter could use newspapers (for lining cages) and have been collecting for that as well.
Many of the things I win ‘sweeping” get donated to those in need.
I combine coupons with good sales and stock up on staples, health and beauty items for little or no cost, which I donate the local food bank and animal shelter every year. We also donate a lot of clothing and household items to the local battered womens shelter.
We also participate in at least 1 Habitat for Humanity build every year, as well as other charitable events sponsored by my employer – toy and school supply drives, fundaising, etc.!/teressajoe/status/69939436179304450
My kids and I volunteer at our local nature area. We fill bird feeders, help clear trails and help run crafts during events.
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I sponsored $100 in our community every year
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We (me, my wife, and our 7 year old daughter) give back to the community in several ways. First, my wife is a Girl Scout Troop Leader and her troop does many community activities. In the past, they’ve participated in Habitat for Humanity projects, collected toiletries for our troops in Iraq, and held food collections for our local food pantry. I am also involved in my daughters school PTA. I organize several fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for school supplies and field trips.
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We (me, my wife, and our 7 year old daughter) give back to the community in several ways. First, my wife is a Girl Scout Troop Leader and her troop does many community activities. In the past, they’ve participated in Habitat for Humanity projects, collected toiletries for our troops in Iraq, and held food collections for our local food pantry. I am also involved in my daughters school PTA. I organize several fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for school supplies and field trips.
We (me, my wife, and our 7 year old daughter) give back to the community in several ways. First, my wife is a Girl Scout Troop Leader and her troop does many community activities. In the past, they’ve participated in Habitat for Humanity projects, collected toiletries for our troops in Iraq, and held food collections for our local food pantry. I am also involved in my daughters school PTA. I organize several fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for school supplies and field trips.
We (me, my wife, and our 7 year old daughter) give back to the community in several ways. First, my wife is a Girl Scout Troop Leader and her troop does many community activities. In the past, they’ve participated in Habitat for Humanity projects, collected toiletries for our troops in Iraq, and held food collections for our local food pantry. I am also involved in my daughters school PTA. I organize several fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for school supplies and field trips.
We (me, my wife, and our 7 year old daughter) give back to the community in several ways. First, my wife is a Girl Scout Troop Leader and her troop does many community activities. In the past, they’ve participated in Habitat for Humanity projects, collected toiletries for our troops in Iraq, and held food collections for our local food pantry. I am also involved in my daughters school PTA. I organize several fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for school supplies and field trips.
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I am an avid bargain hunter and have taught my children to do the same. When we come across a good deal (clothes, food, etc) we snatch it up and donate the new items to a local homeless shelter.
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I volunteer with multiple local non-profits.
I help out at the local soup kitchen – it’s an easy way for people without a lot of spare money to still help out!
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This year, my kids and I are planning canned food trick or treat drive! We plan to pull a wagon with us trick or treating and collect canned goods for our local food shelf. We will send out flyers ahead of time so people can have their donations ready for us. Hopefully we’ll have to go back for the truck! And we are hoping that we can make a happy Thanksgiving for some families in need!
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I do work with our local library and I support Boy Scout activities in our community which help to collect food for the needy and other activities.
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Wow, thats a really clever way of thiinkng about it!!/teressajoe/status/73025168674521090!/teressajoe/status/73231790021685248!/teressajoe/status/73371282988732416!/teressajoe/status/73581954288726017!/teressajoe/status/73795506962317312!/teressajoe/status/74142836257329152