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This Fire Prevention Month | Upgrading Your Home Safety @FirstAlert #SuperPreparedFamily post is sponsored by First Alert as part of the Mom It Forward Influencer Network.
October is fire prevention month and in our home, we use this as a reminder to double check batteries in our fire alarms and review/amend our family escape plan. I think that this is a good start to being safe but I am not sure that it's enough so I did a little research and I did learn a few things. We hope that you enjoy our Fire Prevention Month | Upgrading Your Home Safety@FirstAlert #SuperPreparedFamily post.
Did you know that every year nearly 3,000 American die from home fires? This is sad and even sadder is that many of these lives could have possibly been saved if well positioned, working smoke alarms had been in place. But what does that mean? Well, you want to make sure that you have smoke alarms placed throughout your home, at least one on each level and one in every bedroom.
Ensuring properly functioning smoke alarms are installed throughout the home – one on each level and in every bedroom, as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends – is the first line of defense for fire prevention. Additionally, alarms must be regularly tested for proper alarm and battery functionality – and all alarms must be replaced at least every 10 years. I did not know this! One of the cool things about First Alert devices that we recently installed is that they all feature a 10 year battery…in other words, they come with a power supply that matches the lifespan of the detector. Very cool.
Installation of the detectors was incredibly easy as well. You attach the base with two screws and then attach the detector. Then you press the test button to make sure everything turned on correctly. That is all there is to it.
The First Alert 10-year Dual Sensing Photoelectric and Ionization Smoke Alarm features a microchip that helps determine the difference between non-threatening conditions and real emergencies. The SA3210 is great overall protection because it has both types of smoke sensors recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Two types of protection in one alarm features:
The First Alert CO710 carbon monoxide detector displays ambient temperature plus alarms and displays CO if it detects carbon monoxide in the home. The CO710 is a nice table-top addition, and can be easily added to any room. Features include:
In this video, you get to meet Max Safety, the father of the Super Prepared Family. Max walks you through the importance of testing and replacing alarms.
REMEMBER: Test alarms regularly and replace them every ten years.
ONLY 27% of families have included a meeting spot in their fire escape plans. When it comes to fire safety, it is critical that you have a escape plan for your family. Your plan should include two ways out of every room, and it should include a family meeting place. To make the planning fun, involve the kids. Brainstorm on what paths everyone should take out of each room. And once you have a plan in place, be sure to run a few practice drills. We hope that you enjoyed our Fire Prevention Month | Upgrading Your Home Safety@FirstAlert #SuperPreparedFamily post.
TIP: When creating a plan with your family, make sure you can identify two ways out of each room – which can include windows and doors – and make sure everyone in the home understands the plan. This is something that older children can help create – it is fun to get the whole family involved!
Twitter | Facebook | Visit the First Alert Website to learn more about Fire Prevention Month | Upgrading Your Home Safety
This is definitely something we’ll have to consider. I’d worry about a slow build up of gas without us really knowing.
My grandpa was a firefighter and drilled fire safety into our heads. We have always used First Alert detectors because they are they best.
I actually had relatives die in a house fire. It was incredibly tragic and really underscored why we need to be safe and prevent fires.
This is such a good reminder for me. I think aside from renovating rooms in the house it’s really important that update and upgrade the safety features as well. Thanks for the reminder!
I had no idea that there were so many people that died each year from fires. That has become one of my biggest fears since becoming a mother. We really do need to replace our fire alarms, and this is a great reminder. We will have to grab some of these this weekend.
Great tips… so important to have good fire safety tools in our homes and make sure they are all working.
This makes me want to check our fire safety at home. I think it’s really important to make sure everything is in check and upgraded as well.
Thank you for the reminder. I do have to get ours checked. I love First Alarm’s 10 year no battery replacement functionality. That assures us that it is up and working for a long time! The carbon monoxide detector is also a must!
That is a very smart idea. I can actually hear one of my alarms make the beep noise right now.
I really love the P1010 model. It is made very well!
Hubby has friends who are firemen and one os captain. We hear stories all the time about people who didnt have alarms. Their advice is to change your batteries and check alarms when the time changes- daylight savings. Twice a year! Here in town they have a program that they go out and install and test I think most cities do.
My husband is a retired fire fighter, so he knows the damage a fire can cause all too well. We always check out smoke detectors!
Holy moly – that statistic about deaths from home fires is scary! This made me want to check my smoke detectors and fire alarms in the house!
This is a super important topic for home safety and great tips! We always check our detectors in our house!
It is always a great reminder to have my smoke detectors tested. I like that there is a reminder at least once a year to check out your smoke detectors. They are the difference between life and death.
These 10 year smoke detectors are so much better than the ones we are currently using. It seems like those chirps are always coming and I never have spare batteries ready, I need the ones you have.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that my fire alarm system is working perfectly. They company was here ALL MORNING testing all of the alarms and smoke detectors. My goodness are they loud.
We have First Alert all over the house, here! SO important to keep the whole family safe. Makes this mama heart sleep better.
We have never upgraded our systems and we need to do this ASAP! Thank you for the great recommendation!
It is SO important to make sure that your home has all the alarms it needs. This is an awesome reminder and items to use to get started!
We know this fire safety all too well. We just sold a home and bought a new one so we had to replace all our old fire alarms with new ones.
This is something I really need to do. I’m going to have to look in to these products more. This is something that is really important.
We need to update our fire safety equipment. Our fire detectors are pretty old. They work, but still.
I’m a huge stickler for fire safety and teaching my kids how to evacuate. Those small alarms are really cool!
You totally reminded me that I need to do this reminder of safety and evacuation routes with my kids. I also need to check my alarms!
I never thought much about fire safety until the house next to ours burned down last month. It was such a scary site! Now I’m way more conscious about fire safety! Thanks for the reminder!
Fire safety is so important to tech our kids. We do a fire drill once a month to make sure we are prepared. I set reminders on my phone to change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
Fire safety is something every parent, caregiver and even young children need to be aware of. Thanks for such a family-friendly post sharing some great ideas for Fire Prevention Month.
This is something that’s usually being ignored. We have to make sure our security is the first to be taken cared of. So I hope all of us have this alarms at home.
Very important month here folks are encouraged to swing by or call the fire station to replace old smoke detectors.
It is so important that we have the best working fire alarms in our homes. It is very important that we are taking all measures possible to keep the entire family as safe as we can!
I will have to see about replacing the alarms in my home. I like that the battery lasts 10 years.
Such a great thing to share awareness about. Every home should have basic safety protection like this from First Alert!
I have several smoke alarms in my home but I have seriously been considering getting some carbon monoxide detectors as well. I think these are so important to living peacefully and knowing you will be alerted if something bad is going on.
First Alert is an awesome brand! We have smoke detectors by First Alert throughout our home.
This is so important, and it reminds me that I need to check all of our smoke alarms in our house as well. Thanks for the reminder!
This is a really important topic. Great reminders, I need to install these alert devices in my house. Everyone should consider this!
It is great to be safe and I love that all of these products help protect the family and are easy to install. I need to see what things we need improvements on.
I love that P1010 Atom. We just downsized to a travel trailer and those big smoke detectors look massive in it. I’m going to check these out. Thanks!
So important to have carbon monoxide detectors included with fire alarms. Every year you hear about families dying because they were caught off guard by a faulty furnace or not setting up a generator properly. Don’t risk it! Get fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors!
Fire prevention is a big deal here. It’s always so dry in Arizona so its so easy for a fire to start and spread.
I had no clue it was fire prevention month. I totally need to replace a smoke detector.
We definitely need to improve our home safety! Thanks for the reminder!
I want to check out the SA3210 because it has both types of smoke sensors recommended by the National Fire Protection Association.
I called the fire marshall’s office and spoke with several folks there about fire code violations, they did nothing. I kept calling and finally got someone to pay attention. They are coming to our complex next week to do a complete inspection, and they said the things I was describing are violations that they will have to correct.
I have a fire extinguisher, but I did read they should be replaced every 10 years. I seen some awful stories in magazines lately, I don’t think most people realize how vulnerable they are to a fire in their home.