28 Creative Ways for Unstructured Play

28 Creative Ways for Unstructured Play
Kids everywhere will be going back to school soon and once school starts, playtime is just as important but it can be hard fitting it all into one day. We have had to create a list of things that we can easily do to get some fun play time in each and every day. These 28 Creative Ways for Unstructured Play are things that we frequently do spontaneously in our family when we need to play.
If you are anything like me, then you are busy too, and there isn't always time for play. However, I take 30 minutes per day and just be with my kids. We play together, we read together, we cook together. We just get to be a family. Play makes it more fun.
Staying hydrated is just as important to me as play. We start our fun with a CAPRI SUN Organic and I keep plenty on hand for whenever someone is thirsty. We freeze the pouches as well for after dinner when we play card games. See below for more info on CAPRI SUN Organic.
I actively search for ways to have active, unstructured play. This means that we just kind of go with the flow after we pick something below. Here are ways to play.
I actively search for ways to have active, unstructured play. This means that we just kind of go with the flow after we pick something below. Here are ways to play.
28 Creative Ways for Unstructured Play
- Grab a hula hoop and see who can go the longest without stopping.
- Play cards right after dinner. One person deals while the others clear the table. Simple and fun. We play a lot of UNO.
- Teach the kids the game of Four Square. Use sidewalk chalk to draw the lines.
- Grab some sidewalk chalk and ask everyone to draw a place they would love to travel. Take turns sharing.
- Practice roundoffs, cartwheels and somersaults in the grass.
- Jump rope for a while. Now try it jogging around.
- Ride bikes
- Have a scavenger hunt.
- Take a walk around the neighborhood.
- Play a game like Twister or create something similar.
- Kick a ball around.
- Play catch.
- Fly a kite.
- Learn a new dance.
- Play hopscotch.
- Print some of these adult coloring sheets and grab some colored pencils so everyone can color together.
- Create a Geocache for your coordinates.
- Grab everyone in the family and lead a stretching session.
- Try yoga. Find good videos on You Tube.
- Create a comic strip for the family.
- Cut up a magazine picture or something that each person can paint or color in. Cut them up into 4, 5, or 6 pieces. Give each person at least one piece of the picture to color or complete. Put the picture back together to check out the differences.
- Write a play together and give everyone at least three parts.
- Learn conversational words in a new language as a family.
- Use YouTube and teach yourself to play an instrument.
- Give the dog a good, long walk.
- Play Frisbee.
- Fix something together. We always pick something kid friendly and let one child be the project manager.
- Head to the local park and play.
How do you get playtime in each day? Tell us in the comments
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Love this! What a great list. I love unstructured play. So do my kiddos and these are some great new things for us to try out!
These are awesome suggestions! I appreciate that I grew up in the days of unstructured play and make it a point to ensure my kids experience plenty as well.
These are some really clever ideas! I like that a lot of them are active and can be done outdoors!
These are all really great ideas. Free play is so important for kids development.
These are all really great ideas! Geocashing is always a ton of fun!
I love this list. We already do quite a few of these. Cannot wait to try the rest. Lots of fun on this list.
What a great list and very good ways to get kids into their creative mindsets. We do quite a few of these ourselves.
Wow, you have a great list here! I will try some of these, few I have already tried.
I am definitely taking this list to the beach with me next week! We are on our last week of break and these will come in great!
Great list! Thanks for sharing it. I was reading through the options and I think the only thing I could not do is yoga. I wish I were stronger and more flexible. I know it has a lot of benefits but my body just won’t cooperate. 🙂
I am seriously LIVING FOR THESE ways to play with your family! We have a week left before school starts and nothing on the calendar and now I have a plan thanks to your post!
Unstructured play is our favorite – it really gives the kids room to be as creative as possible. And if I add in tasty juice boxes, they will be thrilled.
THese are some great tips. And, I’m thinking mom needs to join in and get moving. Jumprope anyone?
I love your list! So creative and fun! Will definitely try these!
I always have the kids get some time outside playing after school. It is important to play and get out some energy after sitting at a desk all day.
I am loving these ideas! It’s nice to play with the kids everyday even for a few minutes. It’s perfect for keeping them active plus you get to make memories with them too.
These are great ideas, especially with my daughter and I at home for the year. I’ll have to keep these play ideas in mind
My sister’s and I used to play four square all the time! You don’t hear about it very often!
Creative plaly iis the best play! I haven’t seen the Capri orgnaics yet, yum!
I always wanted to play frisbee. These are all great ideas!