Visiting Panama City Beach Florida
We are booked and ready. We will be visiting Panama City Beach, and my family couldn't be more excited! LODGING We have booked a two bedroom condo at the Long Beach Resort by The...
Savvy parents are increasingly including their kids in family vacation planning. That happens on almost every single vacation in our household. In fact, did you know….
With this in mind, Alamo Rent A Car partnered with Eileen Ogintz, nationally syndicated family travel columnist and creator of, to create an original infographic from the kids’ point of view. The Alamo infographic features key stats and 10 original ideas from kids to help parents everywhere increase the fun while planning, packing, participating in activities and making memories for their family vacations.
Those are my kids above as we set out on yet another road trip. We have fun no matter where we go.
No matter where you take the kids or how much you spend on your family vacation, what’s important is enjoying your time together and making memories for a lifetime!
I am thrilled to announce that I am part of the Alamo Chief Travel Moms.
Along with Crissy, Jenn, Angela, and Liz we are going to share everything we know and love about family travel. We going to entertain you, give you tips for entertaining the kids and most of all share how a vacation can actually rejuvenate the entire family. I know that is something we always strive for although it doesn't happen as often as we like.
Ask us questions, engage with us and most of all have fun traveling.
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I am definitely in that 63%. I haven’t had a vacation for me or for just me & my hubby in a long, long time. Now we are all family friendly vacations here 🙂
I don’t have kids yet so it will be interesting to see if I fall into that 63% when I do.
we’ve had one night away from our kids in almost 9 years. friends took them to sleep over so we could go to a red sox acls playoff game. and papi hit a grand slam. WE WERE THERE.
but 99.9% of the time we’re family travelers
I’ve definitely let my kids have some input into the vacation, but not with the destination, just what we do there. I’m excited to be on the council with you!
My husband and I are still the travel directors in our family. Maybe as the kids get older, we’ll surprise them less with our trips and bring them in on the planning stages, too.
Totally fun stuff! I absolutely love a good road trip, although I have to say I am the one usually making all the plans. I should definitely be making it more about family planning and getting everyone’s input!
So excited to hear more tips and tricks from you lovely ladies! 😉
Our daughter definitely influences were we go on vacation now compared to when it was just the husband and I. We don’t go anywhere that isn’t kid friendly because what fun would that be for her or us.
Very cool tips! We travel from Long Island to Cape Cod every summer and it’s a long car ride for our toddler. She does not enjoy our little road trips!
I love this cool infographic! My son definitely influences us – Disney World! Congrats!
Yes, since my kids were born they have influenced my decision on family travel. I was just thinking the other day that a getaway for just me would be nice! I took a roadtrip alone last year and it was amazing.
Congratulations! I look forward to working on this fun campaign with you!
Congrats on being a part of Alamo mom bloggers! I recognize some of these other bloggers. 🙂
How exciting! I noticed you’re pinning Paris things? Have you been? I went 8 years ago (gosh, it doesn’t seem that long) and I highly recommend going to Angelina’s! It is amazing!
Congrats on being part of the club! Looks like fun. I love me some roadtrips 🙂
Very cool! I always go on road trips in the Summer and Winter. I look forward to seeing you guys adventure!
Congrats! know 4/5 of you, so that’s awesome. And thanks for enlarging the graphic to a readable size – I’ve been missing some details on that one.
Congrats on your newest endeavor! So excited for all 5 of you and I can’t wait to hear more!
We need to get a rental for our 1,600 mile trip to Maine this summer. I am super nervous having 4 kids and 2 adults. I may need some medication, lol.
Congrats on the new gig! We’re doing a few road trips this summer – when we’re in Texas visiting family and then a few places here in NJ where we live. I always can use good car/travel tips with kids!
Those are great tips, a few of which I’ve used with my own kids on trips. They really do make it easier on everyone!
This opportunity sounds so exciting! We haven’t traveled anywhere in almost 3 years. We’re saving up money to have a vacation one day.
Sounds neat! I wish they had this kind of program when my kids were younger. I am sure it makes traveling with kids easier.
I’m in that majority where kids influence the vacation destination- which is why we almost always go to Disney! Go figure! What a great opportunity! We hardly ever drive though- flying is the way to go for me!
Cute kids and infographics. I think my kids have probably dictated our vacations for the last X years. We always manage to have fun. Making memories is what counts!
Great tips! I love a good round trip!
Congrats on the partnership! I’ve taken one family vacation with my son. I hope to take some more so I’ll probably be adding to some of those very interesting statistics.
actually my kids did dictate where our summer vacation was this year. I offered Disney for the first time ever and they turned me down, they chose a cruise again.
This seems like a really great opportunity. I am excited to see what you will share.
Count me in that 63% 🙁 I’m long overdue for a vacation.
well they are part of the family so I can understand why they would influence a parents vaca destination! Congrats on being chosen.
90% memories! I would have to agree with that. 🙂