Wordless Wednesday – Decisions, Decisions
My six year old daughter was faced with a tough decision today at Costco. She was in charge of getting the bottle of water that we were going to share. She stood there for...
There was a day that I walked in the door to see my husband crouched under our dining room table. I started to ask him what the heck he was doing when he motioned for me to be quiet and to get down.
I put my stuff down and joined him under the table trying to figure out what was going on.
All of a sudden, it sounded like a heard of elephants running through the house. All three kids were running fast and looking for the guy laying on the floor next to me.
“Where is he?” yelled the first kid.
“He is close” said the second kid, “I can smell him.”
“Let’s find him,” said the third kid as they all ran off.
“What the heck is going on?” I asked my husband after all three children were out of earshot and off looking for him in another part of the house.
He told me that they were bored and decided to have a water gun battle. My husband decided that he would be the sniper and lay in wait for the kids so he could soak them as much as possible.
Did I mention that all of this was inside the house? I quickly tried to forget that fact as my husband handed me a loaded water gun.
The stampede was coming back and they were about to get soaked although I had no clue that they were also armed with water guns so while we soaked our kids along with the entire dining room, they got us as well. I herded the entire family outside to continue the fun.
About an hour later, we all collapsed on the front lawn laughing and thoroughly soaked after an intensely epic battle.
My husband (pictured above) had just come home from work and took off his dress shirt to start the battle. He was completely soaked down to his shoes. I had to wring out my hair because it was dripping. My kids had to change clothes as well.
There is no denying that when we are bored in this family, we make certain to find ways to entertain ourselves.
This post is sponsored by Capri Sun. My kids have loved Capri Sun since I can remember. Their current favorite is Capri Super V and that is the only juice drink they drink. They love the taste and I love that they get a combined serving of fruits and vegetables plus a good source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E.