Healthy Choice – Making a Difference
At this point, I am all the way through Week 4 in the I'm Getting “Better for BlogHer” with Healthy Choice challenge. FOUR WEEKS! Once a day during these four weeks (with the exception...
As the busy mother of three children, I constantly feel that our lives are go, go, go. Weekdays exhaust me. Weekends exhaust me. There is just always something with all three of my children going on.
One of my biggest challenges is not only getting the right kind of food into my children but sometimes it is getting any food into them at all. My youngest never wants to eat breakfast. My middle child wants to snack all of the time. My oldest sets the bar for us all.
So how do I make healthy and busy coexist? Sometimes I don't do it very well at all but I try. I try constantly and it works best when I plan everything out ahead of time plus follow these tips:
Plan out the entire week of meals. Shop ahead of time and cook as much as you can at once. I involve the entire family in this process. I get much more buy in from my children when they help with the planning.
Shoot for 80/20. If I told my children they could never have any sweets or fun stuff, I would have a revolt on my hands. However, I have found that letting them have a few fun things, that they actually tend to ask for it less and less. What started as 80/20 is now more like 95/5 which just thrills me.
Water. My entire family drinks water. No matter what we want to drink, every single person in this house drinks a glass of water before consuming any other liquid. This saves calories and hydrates us plus does so much more.
Pack the snacks. I found that once I started packing snacks and bringing a snack bag everywhere, that my kids make better choices when I gave them just a few. We avoid vending machines or quick stops to get something to eat. Our snack bag fuels us when meals can't
Always eat together. Every single day we dine together as a family. We take the time out of our hectic schedules to sit down and just breathe for a few minutes. We catch up. I see 100% of what my children eat because I am with them when we eat. Eating together as a family means we know what happens in each others lives. We get to enjoy each other as a family.
I have resigned myself to the fact that I might never achieve total balance as a working mother of three busy children. But I have also made certain that I am 100% involved in their lives. I give them healthy choices and in turn they indulge me by doing what I ask for the most part. I am pretty lucky
What is Evolve Muscle Milk?
Evolve™ is a naturally flavored, 110-calorie protein beverage that can serve as a complement to any woman's evolution toward a healthy lifestyle. The delicious and nutritious shake contains 12 grams of high-quality protein, 20 vitamins and minerals and is an excellent source of fiber. Evolve is sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and cane sugar and includes Tonalin® CLA, which helps reduce body fat and enhances lean muscle. Evolve is lactose and gluten free. The beverage complements a smart nutrition plan that, when combined with a balanced exercise program, may contribute to weight management and recovery from exercise. Evolve is shaped by Muscle Milk and is available in five flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla Crème, Strawberry, Mixed Berry and Café Latte. CytoSport™, the maker of Muscle Milk and Evolve, is one of the largest sport nutrition companies in the U.S. and offers a complete line of protein-enhanced products including powders, shakes and bars.
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I havent tried this milk yet but did just see it in the stores not long ago. I think many of us women justdont get the proteins we need through out the day because we are so busy chasing after others it goes by the wayside.
BTW- love the idea of packing snacks. I think if you pack them you know how much is there and it is so much easier to control!