UnMondayMonday with Einstein Bros. Bagels
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Einstein Bros. Bagels®. I am a serious bagel lover and I have been since I was a young kid. Give me a bagel...
Breakfast has always been a tough thing for me to do. Especially in adulthood.
I mean, I know that I SHOULD eat breakfast but knowing that you should do something and actually doing it are two very different things. So I recently made a promise to myself. This year I really want to concentrate on my health.
To me, that begins with breakfast. I need to make certain that everyday I am eating one of the most important meals of the day.
For the past several days, I have been getting up and forcing myself to eat breakfast. Just something small but it has been getting a little easier each day.
I am partnering with McDonald’s on their Wholesome Choices Blogger Program! Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my own tips and ideas for making more wholesome choices in your every day life.
Check out McDonald’s Atlanta on Twitter @McDonaldsATL and visit their website for real-time promos, meal ideas and how to make the most of your McDonald’s experience.
McDonald’s partnered with bloggers such as me to participate in its “Wholesome Choices” Blogger Program. As part of that program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the products used, and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. McDonald’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.