5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine
This 5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine post is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of goodnessknows. The opinions and text are all mine.
5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine
We aren't even close to the new year and here I am already talking about getting back to routine. School has just started and things kind of feel normal again except that I need to get back into my own routine so that I am more productive. There are certain things that I usually do everyday except in the
summer I do these things sporadically. We hope that you enjoy this 5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine post.
For instance, I make a water bottle every single day at home and refill that bottle a lot. I use the same types of water bottles every day and all I drink is water. I also attend a yoga class twice a week and I realized a few weeks ago that I was getting a little bored. While I need to get back to my regular routine of exercising every day, I realize that I could make my routine a little more exciting or at least give it a little variety.
5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine
Here a few things that I started doing to change things up a little and to get back to an even better routine. This routine works well for me and I am finding that I am even more motivated.
1. Take that water and make it flavored.
We all know that we should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day but there is no rule that says you cannot add a little flavor to it. Cut up fresh fruits like lemons, strawberries oranges or apples and add them to your water for flavor. Add some cucumber for a refreshing twist. Try this Water Recipe.
2.Become a morning person.
Did you know that it takes 7 days to start a new habit? For the past year, I have been slowly trying to transition to a morning person and it's taken quite a while for me to get used to this habit. I used to stay up late every single night to work late into the night/early morning. I loved the quiet of the house but I did not love that I couldn't wake up easily before 10am. I would never get a great night's sleep because I never slept for that long. I started by going to bed an hour earlier each night for one month. The next month I went to bed another hour earlier. I kept repeating this until I was going to bed at a more reasonable time and now it's hard for me to sleep past 7am.
Already an early riser? Consider getting up 30 minutes earlier and spending that time on something you love or something just for you. I read a book.
3. Ramp up that exercise and/or find something new.
Love yoga? I know that I do and this year I looked for some alternate ways to do the exercise that I love the most. I have taken yoga on a beach and on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Next week I am trying Stand Up paddleboard Yoga for the first time and I have an aerial silks yoga class scheduled for the week after. Looking for some new and exciting ways to try yoga means that I get to do something I love in a completely different way.
4. Get dressed immediately in the morning after waking.
This is something that I started doing a few years ago. Working from home makes it pretty easy to get stuck in that rut of not getting dressed and sometimes not even wearing shoes for days or leaving the house. Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I take a shower, get dressed and get ready for my day. Even on the weekends. I have found that I am so much more productive and I tend to get a lot more done each day. This is one of the best things that I have done for myself.
5. Snack mindfully and switch it up with goodnessKNOWS snack squares.
goodnessKNOWS wants to encourage & celebrate every attempt on the path to being your best– no matter how small or imperfect. They want to inspire people to take small steps to get closer to their goals. It is sometimes scary to try something new but they recognize that it is this pursuit that is a key part of the journey to learning, growing and improving.
goodnessKNOWS Snack Squares:
- are a perfect union of whole nuts and real fruit with dark chocolate
- goodnessKNOWS Snack Squares
- contain 150 per pack
- are non-GMO
- have no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners
- can be enjoyed at your desk or on the go

goodnessKNOWS snack bars flavors
Apple, Peanut & Almond: packed full of juicy apples, tasty and dark chocolate. Blueberry & Almond: the blueberries burst with flavor and the crunchy almonds pair perfectly with the dark chocolate. Cranberry & Almond: the cranberries are flavorful and taste great with dark chocolate. Mixed Berry & Almond: the berries are really good and full of flavor. Peach, Cherry & Almond: the peaches taste sweet and the almonds give it a perfect crunch. Strawberry & Peanut: full of delicious strawberry flavor and packed full of nuts. We hope that you enjoyed this 5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine post.
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This 5 Ways to Get Back to a BETTER Routine post is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of goodnessknows. The opinions and text are all mine.
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If I don’t get dressed as soon as I get up, I will be in my pajamas all day. Seriously. That is such a great tip.
I work from home so I make my own hours which are more than 40 per week. It is important to keep a good healthy routine and I will try those snacks.
Snacking mindfully is definitely a challenge, I will get into the zone and forget all about breakfast and sometimes lunch which means I eat heavier at dinner and then since I am an insomniac I always want a ‘late night snack’.
Thanks for the great tips. Maybe if I flavored my water I would drink more of it.
I need to start getting dressed as soon as I get up. Sometimes I end up in my pajamas for a good part of the day.
The healthier the snack, the better your mornings will be. I think it’s really important that you create a routine that works for you. These are great tips!
I am such a morning person, which I think is a blessing. It’s really nice to have a routine throughout the morning to make you more productive. I’m sure a lot of people will find this helpful!
This is a great reminder. My son has started back to school, and I need to adjust my evening habits so I go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, or I nap and lose too much of the day!
I’m terrible about snacking often. Usually it’s not the good stuff either! ha!
Making the water flavored is actually an amazing tip. Some of the no cal stuff really helps to keep it down.
I just started doing morning workouts at 5am, and if you know me, I don’t wake up before 9am. I am trying to get into a better routine and it seems to be working so far. I definitely need to add those Goodness Knows bars to my gym back for a tasty post-workout snack.
Snacking is okay if you’re munching on healthy food like this bar! I think it’s awesome and I’m definitely going to give it a try!
I need to try some new exercise routines. Mine has been boring me so I haven’t stuck to it.
Our new routine this school season is so hard! I am loving these tips!
I totally agree with getting dressed right away. I am pretty good about the rest except the drinking water part–I’m t terrible at that and have a major diet coke addiction!
I am not a morning person, but I am so unproductive when I don’t get up early. I love how much I can get done before lunch this way.
Great tips! I’ve totally been on the path to better health and these sound so so good!
Yes, I always have lemon water in the fridge!
I love these tips! I follow as much as I can to be healthy.
I’m definitely a morning person already but I struggle with water and good snacking choices. The snack square flavors sound good!
Becoming a morning person is difficult. I am trying to keep breakfast bars at work so that I can eat breakfast daily though!
Great tips! I have also been trying to become more of a morning person, and it has been hard but I really do a lot better if I get up early. Getting dressed after waking is good to. It just signals your brain to get going on the day. I will also have to grab some Goodnessknows bars! Yum!
My heart wants to be a morning person but my body wont let me be great. I have been drinking nothing but water but adding mint to it for added flavor and benefits.
I’m a snacker! I often forget to eat meals but make it for it with protein -rich snacks. These bars needs to make their way into my purse!
These are definitely some great ways to get back into a better routine. I think drinking water and getting the right amount of sleep is super important.
I love all these tips! I have almost got myself back into a routine for the school year. I get up pretty early to go and exercise and that is the time I have to myself before the day starts. I really do need to get a good snack routine so that I am not hurting my diet. This looks like a great snack to try.
These are great tips. I am already an early riser. Getting showered and dressed as soon as I wake up is something I should start doing.
I am definitely not a morning person and I have fallen into the pattern of working really late which takes away from time I could spend with my family. I am going to give your ideas a try.
I am a morning person, but definitely not by choice. I have to get up, get dressed and get the family moving so they can be on time for class and work. I need to have some of those snack bars to power up my day.
I will have to pick up some goodnessKNOWS products this weekend. I have been trying to get back into my routine. I need to start drinking flavored water again.
It’s like you wrote this just for me .PERFECT reminders for where I am in my life right now! Thanks!
These are great tips! I’ve been slacking on my morning routine now that the kids are in school I need to take advantage of my time. The bars look like they are exactly what I need for my early mornings.
Awesome tips. Everyone can be better off with these.
I take those squares on the go all the time – so easy! I just came back from an unexpected hurricane evacuation [haha] so I need all the help I can get to get back to a routine!
Those snack bars look amazing. I love that they give the feeling that you could have prepared them yourself. The natural look vs processed.
I love these Goodness Knows bars. It looks really filling and delicious to have anytime. My kids are grown so there is no more rushing around in the morning to get them ready. They are old enough to fix their own breakfast and do their own laundry.
I am looking for some new snacking options. I will have to try these out!
I so agree about getting ready right after waking up in the morning. It definitely helps me feel like I’m more put together and ready to take on the world!
Great advice! While I can’t become a morning person due to my husband’s job and trying to be on his schedule, everything else is doable. That is if I am not alraedy doing them. I totally agree – get up and get dressed, even if you work from home! You will be so much more productive. My husband actually works for the company that makes Goodness Knows! We LOVE them! They help me when I get low blood sugars due to my Type 1 Diabetes!
I need to be better organized and more consistent. Being disorganized and on the go is an awful combination that usually does lead to eating junk food.
I have never tried these snacks before but I want to! They look so good and the perfect addition to any healthy routine!
Goodness knows I need to get myself back in to a good routine. Getting up earlier would probably be best for me so I can get more stuff done but it’s just so HARD!!! LOL!!
These are all great ideas. I use to be a morning person before having kids. I’m not getting in the habit of becoming a morning person again.
I am in the process of adapting a healthy and more wholesome lifestyle. You have no idea how perfectly timed, and necessary these tips are! I will admit, I will have to work on “becoming a morning person” though lol
I have never been a morning person. Now that I have multiple autoimmune disorders, it is even worse. I need to start walking again but its hard when it feels like someone is twisting a voodoo doll in my back, hip, and thigh. 🙁
#4 for sure does it for me… When I make myself get dressed instead of staying in my pajamas, I am much more productive. I don’t know the science behind it, but whatever it is works for me.
I love your tips, I have been in a slump lately maybe these tips will help. THese bars look really yummy, need to try them
These are some great tips! I walk my kids to school so I usually change my clothes after I cook breakfast.,
Great tips, I try to stay really consistent with my healthy eating habits. I have to take the dog out for walks in West Palm so I need to get dressed up each time I walk her.
These are great tips for a routine.
I definitely need to get back to a better routine. My Mom passed away in July & it feels like life has been turned upside down & shaken. She lived here, so it has been felt on every aspect of daily life. I have to find a whole new routine, I guess.
I am telling you this can be a toughie. As you can tell when I normally am here, I am a night owl. I still get up early (ish) to feed the feral cat colonies though. I am worn out before I even start. I end up slumping about 5 or so and want nap.