Sun Safety Tips for Kids for the Summer Season
Stay Active, Stay Safe: Sun Safety Tips for Kids on the Go Photo Credit: Stacie Connerty This post is sponsored by Capri Sun; the official drink of the Connerty kids and the perfect way...
With school starting here in just over a few weeks, it is now time to get my children back into that mindset of having to be somewhere every day. They also need to get back into the habit of homework and everything else that comes along with back to school. Here are 5 Ways to Prepare Kids for Back to School.
This is key to get your kids ready to head back to school. Our lack of summer schedule means that my kids need to start going to bed earlier in order to get ready for school. Three weeks before, everyone goes to bed an hour earlier. Two weeks before, we go to bed another hour earlier. Finally the week before school, everyone goes to bed at their school bed times.
We never wait until school to get school supplies. I get the school supply lists as early as we can and then we start shopping. I let the kids make their own lists and then we head to a few of our favorite stores. Since supplies tend to get shared in class, I have my kids label as much as they can so that things don't get lost.
This is something else that we do every year to make certain that the kids rooms only have clothes that they will wear and clothes that fit them. We have a fashion show where each kid tries a majority of their clothes. We set aside clothes to donate, clothes to giveaway and then we hang everything else up in the closets so the kids are ready to go.
A key to staying organized throughout the year is to keep the backpacks organized. We keep our backpacks by the door. The rule in our house is that they have to be packed and ready the night before. This gives the kids time to remove anything that they don't need and to locate things that they need for school.
If there is one thing that my kids really enjoy each day, it is snack time. They especially love ZonePerfect® Kidz Nutrition Bars because they are easy to pack in lunches and backpacks. The bars come in flavors that the kids love and I know that they are getting the nutrition that they need.
ZonePerfect Kidz bars is nutrition designed for active kids. My kids and your kids. Each bar contains an energizing combination of ingredients with no artificial flavors or colors, 23 vitamins and minerals, 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber per bar. These bars make a tasty, nutritious snack that your kids will love and as a mother, I love that these bars have 11 grams of sugar or less.
ZonePerfect Kidz bars have vitamins, minerals and plenty of protein, plus so many yummy flavors your kids will want you to buy them all. These bars are tasty, nutritious snacks that my kids love and ask for by name.
ZonePrefect Kidz nutritional bars can be found at your local Target, Kroger, & Meijer or at
Grab this coupon to purchase ZonePerfect Kidz nutritional bars today!
This 5 Ways to Prepare Kids for Back to School post has been sponsored ZonePerfect. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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These are all great tips. I miss the back to school days, it was so exciting for everyone. Zone Perfect are really perfect for a snack at anytime and I often have one ready for me!
I may have to pick those up, I was wondering what I could grab for snack ideas. I think the ZonePerfect Kids bars look great. I love that they have nutrients in them to sneak in some daily goodies that kids need.
Getting back into the regular routine early is such a good idea. We’ll definitely have to pick up some after school snacks! The kids will need them!
These are some great tips. We start our schedule a bit ahead of time with homeschool as well.
These sound perfect to throw in a kid slunchbox or in their backpack for a snack. Good advice about getting back onto school schedule early.
There’s a lot to do to prepare for back to school, it’s great to have a list like this to keep organized. The Zone Perfect bars sounds great with all the vitamins, minerals and protein. Love the flavors too.
My kids need to start heading to bed earlier in a few weeks to start to prepare. It is going to be weird since all three will be going.
Oooh! Didn’t know there were ZONE PERFECT bars for kids! Will totally be checking these out (we are such huge fans of the normal ZONE PERFECT bars!!)
These are awesome tips! I usually start the kids 2 weeks before school starts with our usual school routine so they can adjust and get used to it again. Those bars sound great, I love that they’re healthy too.
These are perfect tips to prepare kids for back to school. Will try these with my kids.
I like to get clothes out the night before, that can save lots of time. I start moving my son back towards his school year schedule about 1.5 weeks before school.
I have to admit I don’t miss those first few day of back to school! Maybe that’s because weren’t as organized with using tips like these to get the kids ready. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!
I so need to be better about preparing my kids. I love your idea of getting on a schedule 2 wks before.
We still need to school shop for uniforms and such. I am kind of being bad this year!
These are great tips! I think starting the schedule a few weeks before school starts is really smart.
We have been slowly getting ready to go back to school. I will have to look for some ZonePerfect® Kidz Nutrition Bars. Every year we start the routine about a week before it starts.
So nice when you can find a healthy and tasty snack for the kids lunch! My kids would love these bars.
It’s hard to believe we are already discussing back to school topics! I totally agree with beginning the school schedule a few weeks before the actual start of the year. We have made the mistake of enjoying summer right up to the end and it’s hard to adjust.
Wow! It seems that summer flew by us! I agree with you. Starting to get the kids in school mode is a great idea. It will help them get a good start and to stay focused.
The one thing we’ve really slacked on is getting the kids back into some kind of schedule. It’s time though, because they technically only have one more week.
These are all great tips to make the transition from summer to back to school go smoothly. When my kids were still in school, it is a rule that before going to bed, everything they need are in their backpacks, the clothes they will wear is by their bed from socks to underwear to the entire outfit. It makes mornings less stressful if some preparation is done the night before.
I have a sort of funny way to prepare my kids for going back to school. We do a “dry run.” It is assigning a day or two within a week to simulate an actual school day. I also move their bedtime an hour or two earlier so they start to get used to going to bed early.
It’s hard to believe summer is over already. We actually use Zone Perfect bars for the kids because of the protein amount. It’s perfect to keep them going.
Excellent suggestions! My kids start school again in just a week from today and we are in full preparation mode. I would love to pick up some ZonePerfect Kidz bars to keep them energized throughout the day!
What great tips! I’ll be picking up these bars for sure. My kids will enjoy them.
We don’t start the routine early though. We all sleep in for as long as we can!
We love Zone Perfect snacks! We always had healthy snacks like this ready to take on the go, to school, and anywhere. I agree about starting the schedule a few weeks ahead of time.
Great tips. I do most of these too. Mine son is away for the summers so I spent the last two weeks before school starts getting him into school mode.
Kids like to be prepared! It is good for them to feel like things are all together – especially when school time comes and is hectic for them!
We’ve been in a back to school frenzy – and still have 2 weeks to go! I found those Zone Perfect Kidz bars and my son LOVED them!
I miss going back to school…LOL!! These look like great ways to get kids prepared to go back!!
These are great tips for getting the kids ready for back to school. I’m so excited to see them move on to the higher grades – such a special time!!
My hubby and I love the Zone Perfect bars. I didn’t know they made them for kids, too. The flavors look fun.
My kids are grown now but I can’t imagine having the willpower to start them back on their bedtime/wake up schedule that long before school started again. Kudos to you!
I used to hate the end of summer and going back to school. I still get a little sad watching kids go through it, lol.
These tips are a great way of helping you organize and plan for your kids to go back to school.
This will surely be a big help in the transitioning from summer to school.
Awesome tips! I’ll keep this in mind. I’m going shopping this weekend for my middle schooler and will take advantage of the tax free weekend. Thanks for sharing!
Going through your clothese and getting them in order is a great idea. I just did that myself.
Two more weeks to go and it’s back to school! Great tips! Will check those nutritional bars out. I think my son will like ’em.
Prepping weeks ahead is definitely the key, especially with the sleep schedule. That seems to be the hardest to enforce. – yolonda
I have to agree that preparing in advance is the way to go. It helps things run smoothly and gives you time to deal with any unforeseen circumstances.
I love having my kids supplies ready right by the door. It’s easy for them just to put their backpack on and head right to the bus.
ZonePErfect sounds like a snack my kids would enjoy! I’m always looking for another snack option when school starts.
These are awesome tips! It will help me to get my son prepare after the break. Thanks for sharing!
Cool tips! My kiddo has just started school and is getting used it. I am dreading the summer break as again we will be back to square one. Do you have any tips for a 3 year old?