5 Ways to Brighten Skin

5 Ways to Brighten Skin
I work pretty hard to protect my skin and while I know that I sometimes fall short, I am pretty happy with my skin overall. I love my skin care regimen but I have several anti-aging concerns. I drink a lot of water (at least 64 ounces per day) but I still worry about dehydration. I have some fine lines, areas with dullness and some pores I'd like to be much smaller. I really don't like having to apply a lot of different products and would love to be able to streamline my skincare routine. As a result, I am always trying new products and making certain that I take excellent care of my skin. We hope that you enjoy our 5 ways to brighten your skin.
5 Ways to Brighten Skin
1. Hydrate
I am convinced that hydrating your body is one of the best things that you can do for it. I drink a lot of water each and in fact drink in excess of 64 ounces. My skin feels firmer and it's definitely brighter. These are just a few of the many benefits of water.
2. Exfoliate
If your skin is looking very dull and dark, it is highly possible that you have dead skin cells on your face and they need to be exfoliated. You can use a skin care brush, or simply a face wash that has exfoliating beads in it. You will love to soft feel and smooth look of your skin.
3. Use Cucumber
Using cucumber slices are a great way for brightening the skin under the eyes. You can just keep your eyes closed and places the cucumber slices over your eyes and keep them there for about 15 mins. This cooling, relaxing and refreshing natural treatment is great for a midday boost plus it helps brighten the eye area.
4. Protect Your Skin & Take Precautions
Protecting your skin when you are in the sunlight is so important because the sun can cause dark spots, freckles, skin redness and more. After sun exposure, dark spots seem to appear on my face more than anywhere else. To avoid these dark spots, keep your skin protected with sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen when you are in the sun! I wear SPF every single day. I use several different products that all have SPF so I am always protected.
5. Use the right serum
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Drinking water is SO important! I try to hydrate as much as I possibly can!
Oooh. Bioelements is something I definitely need to try. I notice that every year, my skin is less and less radiant. I will not go quietly into that cold night of aging!
Anything that can help my skin I am all for it. I think this would be some good stuff for my face. I have such dry skin and this would probably help me out.
Thanks for the great tips. I know that I don’t drink enough water and I need to make more of an effort to change that.
Excellent tips and all things I need to keep in mind. Bioelements would be great for minimizing my large pores, which is currently one of my biggest skin complaints.
I definitely want to try some of these strategies. I do need to prioritize exfoliation and the serum’s ingredients sound like they’d be helpful too.
I love these tips I have seen a difference in my skin when I drink more water too, it’s crazy! But with the other products out there, I think I will go with what you recommend to see if it helps me too!
I am always on the lookout for great beauty products that work. I’ll have to give this one a try.
I just used a cucumber facial mask on my skin earlier today. These are great ways to brighten skin.
I have no issues with drinking water as it is – plain. However, sometimes the sun and the outdoor air quality can do damage to our skin too so it is cleanse, moisturize and hydrate from within for me. I have yet to try that cucumber mask too. Looks like it will make my skin glow!
These are really great tips! I don’t pay much attention to my skin before but I think it’s not too late for a simple skin care routine. Thanks for your tips!
I am going to look into BioElements. My skin is really starting to age and look dull and a product like this would make a huge difference!
It’s definitely important to keep your skin hydrated. A routine with reliable skin care products will certainly help you achieve that! This serum sounds amazing.
My skin could for sure use some brightening magic. I had never heard of this product before, and would love to give it a try. Skin hydration is so important, and I think I could use this!
I overbought cucumbers this week. I think I am due for some pampering so I will use some on my eyes!
These are excellent beauty tips! I have to check out that youth serum!
I absolutely want it! I’m a skincare junkie. I love all your beauty tips. Glowing skin is a real achievement!
These are all excellent skin care tips, especially the one on staying properly hydrated! I need to focus more on my skin care routine as I am getting closer to 40…
I am always game for trying new products out! I have some freckles that I would love to lighten!
I like that it minimized pores. I think it’s wonderful you’ve found this product for your skin that you love.
This is a very easy to follow list. Bioelements looks like some really good stuff.
Bioelements is a stellar brand! I’ve not used them but once, however, I loved it.
All of these tips are amazing! I love using cucumber.
I have been drinking a lot more water and it really makes a difference. My skin is starting to look a lot better and more clear.
I’ve been doing a lot of these types of things for my skin, and there is definitely a difference! My skin is brighter and looks so much healthier
These are the ways to make your skin brighter and young looking. I’ve never heard of Bioelements before. I will check this out.
These are great tips and great products! I need to exfoliate more because skin has looked pretty blah lately.
This looks like a great product. I’m always glad to see when companies are careful about what they put in their products. Happy to see that this is dye free and free of artificial fragrance!
Hydration for your skin is so important! These are all great ideas.
I love the effect of cucumber on my skin specially on the face. These are great list of tips.
I am getting older and I really need to start using a good moisturizer on my skin. I am such a tomboy and don’t use a ton of product on my face.
These are awesome ideas! I have started to take better care of my skin, I know it will not stay bright and youthful forever so I am helping it along. I will have to check out the moisturizer!
Drinking water is one of my favorite ways to brighten skin. You can buy every product on the market, but if you don’t drink water, your skin will still look dull. My secret weapon for skin is baking soda for exfoliating, it gets rid of dull and flaky skin so fast.
I’ve never heard of the stuff but I definitely needed. My skin dry and can use all the help they can get. I’ve never actually thought about putting cucumber on my face either I think I need to try that.
Thank you for these tips. My skin could use a lot of help. That product sounds great.
I really need to drink more water!! I’m really intrigued by Bioelements!
I totally need to get some cucumber for my face. I tried it once and it was
Thank you for these tips! I should try the cucumber!!!
It such a great ways! I am a type of person who really loves taking care of skin.
Being a working mom, I hardly ever take time for myself so I need all the tips I can get for bright and healthy skin. I’m going to be stocking up on lemon water and cucumbers!
Exfoliating is a great way to have fresh looking skin. I need to get a new moisturizer for Summer.
Such a great tips and advice! Remember that natural remedies take longer than chemicals to work; therefore be patience and don’t give up.
What a great list. When I was younger I always paid attention to this stuff. The product looks great. I will try it.
Such a great tips for skins. I’m gonna check this out.
These are all great tips. I know I have to drink more water. I am now in my early 40s and I notice my skin isn’t as bright as it used to be.
These are really great tips for brightening your skin. I may have to try some of them asap.
I could definitely use something like this. My skin is always in need of some brightening!
This looks like a great product. So far I exfoliate on a regular basis but will have to check this out. Thank you. – yolonda
Taking care of the skin from the inside out is the most important. Water does such great wonders for the body.
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