Wordless Wednesday – Flagler Beach
We came down to the beach to get away for a few days. Although we are staying at a resort with a busy beach, our family actually prefers the laid back Flagler Beach a...
As soon as my three year old saw the carriage traveling down the street in Savannah, Georgia last weekend, she “HAD” to have a ride.
“Wanna be like a princess Mommy!”
“Please, Mommy!”
How could I say no to these faces?
would be very ahrd to resist1 That is something I would like to try (the ride.)
OK- typing too fast and with cat on keyboard. Those faces are hard to say no to.
Totally adorable!!
Awwww — they are so cute.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Nosh Time &8212 My New Favorite Bread recipe =-.
What a fun time!
Happy WW!
Great shot! I love that blanket too 🙂
I wouldn’t have been able to say no to those two cuties, that’s for sure. I’m sure they loved their princess ride!
Thanks for the linky. Have a great day!
.-= LeeAnn´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Ketchup – The Latest In Styling Gels Linky =-.
Oh how Sweet!
.-= Louise´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday The Cage =-.
I love that they are snuggling to keep warm. Looks like so much fun! My boys would be in heaven.
.-= Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Building Friendships at TJ Maxx =-.
How fun!! I did that once on Valentines Day with my Husband in Downtown Denver, CO. It was cold and snowing, but totally romantic!
.-= MrsMarine´s last blog ..WW Tree Lighting – 10 Days of Holidays Giveaway Nov 1-10 =-.
How sweet are they? I don’t think I could resist those faces either (or a carriage ride!)
Great picture! I love Savannah – such a fun city to visit!
I’m glad they got to go on their carriage ride – nice pic.
Looks like they had fun. I’ve always wanted to do a carriage ride somewhere.
I want a go! Your girls looks very cute too.
.-= PippaD´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Why do they always find the giant Ice-Creams =-.
so nice a horse and carriage ride.
Happy WW
That’s such a sweet picture! …and how could you resist, really? 🙂
When you have a chance, could you please check out and maybe enter one (or both) of my giveaways? Thanks!
US$80 CSN Giveaway
US$40 CSN Giveaway
Awesome! I love carriage rides. (My hubby proposed to me during a carriage ride.) And I love Savannah as well. Double score!
.-= Kristi {at} Live and Love…Out Loud´s last blog ..Breathtaking Wordless-Wordful Wednesday =-.
I’ve never been! I’m so jealous!
.-= Christa´s last blog ..WW- A Boy and His Dog =-.
I bet your princesses loved the ride too.
No way could anyone say no to those faces! A carriage ride, how fun!
We did one of these in NYC and had a blast. Hope they had some hot cocoa later!
I don’t blame her for HAVING too! Cute pic, looks like fun! Happy WW!
.-= Carrie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Down the Hatch =-.
I want to go, that looks like fun!
Oh now this looks like a ton of fun! Also what beautiful princesses they make!
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..Not Exactly Wordless Wednesday =-.
I’ve always wanted to do that…and still haven’t maybe one day…so fun
looks like a fun time. I love those rides through the park.
.-= Auntie E´s last blog ..WW-A Piece of History =-.
Oh I lvoe carriage rides! I bet they had a blast.
.-= Toni @ A Daily Dose´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- The Red Carpet Suits Me =-.
aww, so very cute!
.-= AndMilesToGo´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 58-Chirp- Chirp =-.
When you have a chance, could you please check out and maybe enter one (or both) of my giveaways? Thanks!
US$80 CSN Giveaway
US$40 CSN Giveaway
One of our favorite places to live. Wish we could move back there. Thanks for sharing.
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Outside Snuggle Time =-.
Aww, they are adorable! Happy Wednesday!
.-= Aleksandra´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Olive Juice Does a Body Good =-.
My kids did that ALL the time when we lived in Charleston SC. It’s like “Do you know how much that coasts?!?!?”
Thanks for linking up- and the linky!
We’re following you now!
.-= Tiffany @ Home Grown Families´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday w- Linky =-.
They are so adorable!
.-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Dear Summer… =-.
How fun. I couldn’t resist either. Princess’ need their carriage rides 🙂
.-= Rachele´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday My Handsome Indy =-.
We love Savannah!
What an awesome time that they will always remember!
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Mommy- I want to be a dentist =-.
What a lucky girl! My face wouldn’t give you the desire to give me a carraige ride. =)
Hubby and I were talking about going to Savannah just yesterday. Your babies are so darn adorable, I can’t stand it!
Looks like they are bundled up but enjoying ‘the ride. Good times!!
.-= Bobbie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – It’s Magical! =-.
Yes, definitely two faces that would have been impossible to say no to. Carraige rides are fun for the adults too…
.-= William K Wallace´s last blog ..Regent Street Christmas Lights – Narnia Hijacks Xmas =-.
Didn’t I just read somewhere that the most attractive people are in Savannah?
Loved your pic.
Have a great day!
LOVE Savannah!!!
and they are just toooo cute
.-= noelle´s last blog ..W-W – Leaves are changing!!!! =-.
How adorable! I want to do the same when we go to Savannah, who wouldn’t?!
.-= Mandi´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Baby Bump at 19 Weeks =-.
Wonderful shot
Happy WW! and thank you for stopping by
.-= stevebethere from bethere2day´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 24 – Around London Mix =-.
How fun! I’ve never been on a carriage ride. Maybe this winter 🙂
.-= Mrs. Cox´s last blog ..In My Neighborhood Tuesday =-.
I don’t blame them, I would want to be like a princess too. How fun!
.-= Deborah´s last undefined ..Response cached until Wed 10 @ 18:43 GMT (Refreshes in 60 Minutes) =-.
Carriage rides are so much fun! They both look like they are enjoying every minute of it.
They look like they are having a great time!
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Dia de los Muertos-Wordful Wednesday =-.
You couldn’t possibly say no! That looks like fun.
Those do look like faces you couldn’t say no to. I bet they had a blast!!!
.-= Rob´s last blog ..Holiday Wishlist 2010 – Eden Home Bathrobe & Bath Set Giveaway =-.
I wouldn’t have said no either. How fun.
Have a terrific WW. 🙂
.-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..A Sure Cure =-.
Priceless! I love it.
Happy WW!
.-= Kasandria Reasoner´s last blog ..It Gets Better – A Message to ALL who are “Different” =-.
I have never gone on a carriage ride… looks like so much fun!
.-= Cinella´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Lets Read! =-.
Adorable!! Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you next Wednesday!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Chubby Cheeks Thinks Im cool! =-.
Sadly, that’s something I’ve always wanted to do and never been able to justify the cost… Now, when my daughter sees one and also freaks out (at 3, everything is a freak out, isn’t it?) I can finally say yes!
.-= Kym @ Twinsideout´s last blog ..Mostly Wordless Wednesday =-.
I have always resisted my Bears…next time, I won’t. Your girls look so happy.
.-= Wonder Why Gal´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Wheres Mr Rooster =-.
those smiles are priceless!
.-= Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails´s last blog ..Fishy- fishy in the brook =-.
Oh my goodness – they are adorable!! What fun! 😀
.-= Dianne – Bunny Trails´s last blog ..The Write Foundation – a Review =-.
I’d be surprised if you did say no to those angelic faces and adorable smiles. I’m your latest follower. Nice to meet you. Hope you find time to stop by me, and do the same. Have a good one!
.-= XmasDolly´s last blog ..Follow Me Back Tuesday! =-.
Adorable.. I couldn’t say no either!
I couldn’t have! Did they feel like princesses?
.-= Lauren @ Hobo Mama´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Two jack-o-lanterns in one =-.
Visiting from Natural Parents Network – Looks like fun! Was this a Girl Scout trip? Savannah is a big attraction for Girl Scouts because the founder grew up there.
.-= Momma Jorje´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Natural Parenting Network Bonus! =-.
Hi! Just stopping by from Natural Parents Network 🙂
What a great memory to make! My sister and I loved these rides when we were kids and look back fondly on them now!
Thanks for sharing!
Very cute! I wouldn’t have been able to say no either.
OMG you are such a cool mom to take them on a carraige. I always wanted to go on one as a child
they’re beautiful!!!
and i can almost hear my Anya begging the same way 😉 and that she is a princess too…but of late she is amongst the barbie and the 3 musketeers hahaha.
glad to be back here! its been a while…and i miss your visits too. come see me soon 😉
.-= jenie=)´s last blog ..IM IN LOVE =-.
OMGosh, how cute are they!
I don’t think I could say no to those faces either! They’re adorable. Thank you for hosting wordless wednesday. I hope you have a great weekend.
.-= pk @ Room Remix´s last blog ..Giveaway! you wont want to miss this one! =-.
That is an adorable picture! Soooo cute!!
I love carriage rides, I look one in NYC…I haven’t taken my daughter on any carriage rides yet, but would love to. I know they do it in Downtown ATL, I haven’t visited Savannah yet, but would like too.
There is something about the presence of a horse that soothes the soul.
Those faces are precious- and snuggling in the back of a carriage or sled drawn by horse cant be beat!