Wordless Wednesday - Captcha is Judging Me! - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Captcha is Judging Me!

I am pretty sure that the guys who invented Captcha knew me in high school and college.

And they are judging me.


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37 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. LOL, so are you a sinner or a sooner???

  2. Oh no – I’ve never seen a captcha that crazy, lol.

  3. So how long ago was high school 😉

  4. sheila

    LOL, yes, some of these are wild aren’t they?

  5. Tara

    That is too funny! Gotta love some of those captchas. lol

  6. Now that is funny! By the way, did we know each other back then? 😉

    Happy W/W!

  7. LOL

    I suck at those captchas! At least I can read that one.

  8. Rob

    HEE HEE. That is not nice to judge.

    Happy WW!

  9. lol I love the words they come up with!

  10. That’s too funny! I don’t think captcha should judge either. 😉

  11. Brittany

    LOL That’s hysterical – love it!

  12. Susan

    Captchas drive me insane.

  13. Tenille

    The first Wordless Wednesday today to make me crack up, that’s so funny! Is the universe trying to tell you something?

  14. I hate captcha but that was funny! It should know better than to judge.

  15. Kara @ His, Hers, and Ours

    Funny! I have come across some pretty crazy ones myself, but never think to take a screen shot. Good idea!

    And truthfully? I’m surprised that hasn’t popped up for me yet! HA!

    Happy WW!

  16. Deborah

    Hehe that’s so funny. I though they were talking about me.

  17. Katie

    It so took me a minute to figure that out – but too funny!

  18. I’ve had some funny ones, but none as great as that.

  19. Lol! I always get crazy ones that make me giggle, I’ve thought about doing a blog post abut them but that’s kinda crazy too 🙂

  20. Lisa@gardenofmany

    Oh I think that is the best one I have seen yet ! Funny

  21. LOL, that’s so funny, I thought they weren’t not suppose to be words. maybe you are off the hook,lol.

  22. Alright Stoner, you’re on Gather too? Are we friends there?

  23. Michele Cohen

    Ah but isn’t it sweet that they actually tracked you down, what affection!

  24. Angel

    LOL.. That’s funny. I thought captcha’s random letters only.. You got lucky there.. 😛

  25. That’s pretty funny..lol

    I hope Capchas don’t remebr me.. it might get oggly..lol
    .-= John Paul Aguiar´s last blog ..Just Released: New Twitter Dummy Guide =-.

  26. Oh my goodness!! That is hysterical. 🙂

  27. ellen

    I enter alot of contests , usually on blogs, and some (OK alot) use captchas. I tell ya, sometimes I can plan my day with what some of them say- and could likely write a book. I will leave out some of the more risque things I have had as captchas such as cooterz 🙂

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