Quirky Finds for the Holiday Fanatic in Your Life
Quirky Finds for the Holiday Fanatic in Your Life It's a Major Reward! Sweater Get a leg up on holiday fashion with this green sweater! In a yellow, red, and white intarsia knit, this...
Many many years ago, I had braces. I was fresh out of high school so I split the cost of braces with my parents. I opted to pay a little more for ceramic braces because they were touted as being virtually invisible. I would later find out that wasn't exactly true.
One of the things that I didn't really like about the experience was that every single time I went into the office, they asked me what color rubber bands I wanted. I said, “Adult colored.” I seriously did not understand anyone over the age of 14-15 getting braces with various colors on them. Unless you are a high school cheerleader or something…maybe. 😉
But I couldn't fathom the idea of paying more for something because it was clear and then putting colored rubber bands on it to draw attention. It kind of made me laugh a little. For exactly three years while I wore ceramic braces, I watched them get more and more yellow as whatever foods I ate and beverages I drank made them a tiny bit darker. I never got colored rubber bands once and I also vowed that I would never wear braces again.
Fast forward about 20 years and here I am again in braces. But this time everything is different. I am straightening my teeth with Invisalign and the differences are amazing. Everything I disliked about ceramic braces is not an issue with Invisalign.
Invisalign consists of orthodontic alignment trays (aligners) that are comfortable, removable and invisible plus used to straighten your teeth. They are completely transparent. In fact, so much so that it is very hard to tell when you are wearing them. My kids can never tell and neither can my husband most of the time.
A major benefit of Invisalign is that they are removable which allows you to eat and drink during treatment. Brushing and flossing are also a lot easier. Because the aligners aren’t made of metal, they are also more comfortable and gentle on the mouth. I can attest to this because my braces caused a lot of irritation and that hasn't happened once with Invisalign.
So why am I doing all of this? Well besides for obvious health reasons, I like having a healthy smile. I like it when my teeth look good. But did you know that having a healthy smile has lots of health and personal benefits? Read on for
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I am a member of the Invisalign Mom Advisory Board. I am receiving complimentary Invisalign treatment as part of this program. All opinions are my own. Invisalign Mom Advisory Board Disclosure Statement.
Invisalign is really a more dependable choice for resolving all sorts of minor and major teeth issues like teeth crowding, spacing and lots more. Invisalign is really a more dependable choice for resolving all sorts of small and major teeth issues like teeth crowding, spacing and lots more.
I think you smile is important because it’s one of the first things a person notices about you. I was almost 40 when I got braces and it made such a difference!
I didn’t get my braces until I was 21. I would have loved to have Invisalign but my teeth were too crooked.
My friend did invisilign and loved it, she had great results. Her teeth are straight now and she couldn’t be happier with her smile. Definitely a choice to look into.
I think a smile is important because it hold the power to make another persons day. It’s something that is so simple that is so important. I think I would bet Invisalign if I had to get braces.
Hi Stacie! I really like your post/blog, especially your collage of 16 facts about smiles. I’m using Invisalign myself right now and my patient’s cannot beleive that they’re actually in my mouth. They are hardly noticable even with the attachments and buttons. I’d like to thank you for taking the time to blog about this. I am happy to see the taboo of adult braces is going away!
Dr. Mo
I love the infographic. I had no idea that women smile that many more times then men.
I wish these were around back when I had braces. I had those painful metal ones. Ouch.
I think smiles are important because they relieve stress. They also make other people feel better.
Invisalign is one of the best inventions. Personally, I think that it is a much better option than metal.
At 32 the thing I am most insecure about is my teeth. I would love to do this.
I need braces but dont want to look goofy as a professional 40-something. This looks and sounds like a real solution for me!
I have a gap between my two front teeth that I don’t like. I have considered getting braces to correct it. I’m hoping to be able to afford Invisalign soon.
Both of my kids had braces, but we considered Invisalign for my daughter!
I had clear braces in high school as well and always wondered about why the colors! Crazy. I’ve considered the invisalign as an adult since I’ve had movement. Can’t wait for you to get them off!
I always thought these were cool, I never needed braces but if I ever did I would want the clear or colored!
I was just at the orthodontist with my Little Man and was looking at a poster for these… your post clears up so many questions I had. Thanks
I would use invisalign for myself if I could.
I had no idea there were 19 different types of smiles!
I absolutely love your post… Ive been wondering about Invisalign and your post has a lot of my answers…thanks for sharing
Your smile is the first thing people notice about you so having a great one has a lot of advantages!! Thanks for answering all the questions I’ve had about Invisalign!
I so wish I qualified to wear Invisalign, but my problem is a little too tough for them. Believe me, I checked because I love the idea!
Love this idea and a fabulous alternative to the usual braces. And yes, smiles are soooo contagious!!!! *smile
My daughter is at the end of her invisalign program and at 23 in the business world. They were a perfect option for her. We adore them.
My kids might need this soon. Thanks for sharing.
I can’t wait to see your transformation. I did Invisalign and loved my results! Great advice here too!
A smile is so important because it’s one of those physical traits someone sees first when they meet you. No doubt a beautiful and radiant smile will have them remembering who you are, too! I remember having to have the ceramic braces-I wish I had known about Invisalign back then!
A smile is so important, I really wish Invisalign was around when I was a teen! I even considered them as an adult!
Smiling is what gives you confidence. It’s so important to feel confident about it too.
i had braces TWICE as a kid. TWICE! grade 7 and again 9-10. and they said to toss the retainer…
well, my teeth all moved. now i need them again.
I had braces when I was a teen but lost my retainers shortly after. Sadly, my teeth are not as straight anymore as they once were.
i wish my parent got me invisalign! My front tooth is crooked and sure could use it!
Great post and good comment. I love all the advantages of Invisalign. Thanks for sharing.
It is amazing what is available nowdays! Way back when I was a kid there really wasnt deental insurance but luckily I had pretty straight teeth for the most part. My husband did not, and I know he wishes he could have had braces .
I wore braces for a few years when I was young and it was just awful. How I wish they had Invisalign braces when I was younger so I could have been spared the embarrassment of metal braces.
I never had braces when I was growing up but I would definitely consider Invisalign if it was in the budget.
Invisalign is a great choice than metal or ceramic braces. Expensive but worth every penny spent.
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