Best Nuts for Weight Loss
Best Nuts for Weight Loss While no single nut reigns supreme for weight loss, many delicious options can be great allies in your journey. Below are some top contenders and their strengths. We hope...
One bite. Just one bite of the Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss and you will be hooked. I know this because this is what happened to both my husband and myself.
We were recently sent a few boxes of these delicious brownies and I have to tell you that my husband & I fought over the last brownie. We did rock, paper, scissors to see who the winner was and I WON! I got the last brownie. YES!
The Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss from Weight Watchers are indulgent brownies that are layered with rich, real caramel and covered in a chocolaty coating. These brownies are the perfect way to indulge without going overboard.
WeightWatchers® Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss Mini Brownies come in a box of six individually wrapped bars and are 90 calories each plus only 2 PointsPlus value+. You will find amazing rich chocolate brownie layered with indulgent real caramel.
Tasting is definitely believing when it comes to the Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss. These brownies are one of those items that if we hadn't tried them, we probably never would have purchased them because I am never sure of how they might taste. However, they really are THAT good!
Now that we have had them, we add them to our grocery list every week because they are perfect size for a sweet, little indulgence that doesn't leave me wanting more. They are the perfect size with the perfect chocolaty and caramel taste.
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I am always looking to cut down on calories, so I would love to try these. They sound awesome.
That’s a ton of decadent flavor for cutting calories. After baby girl is born, I might try it!
Oh goodness these brownies look amazing! I’ve never been one to turn down chocolate and salted caramel is just a great combo
It really is hard to believe these are so low cal. Gosh, they just look so delicious!
Those brownies look super yummy! I have gotten away from weight watchers! I am going to have to give it a try again!
I would definitely feel like I was cheating with one of these brownies but it is great to know they are only 90 calories. They certainly did not skimp on the deliciousness inside either!
These are really good. I would hide my boxes to make sure the rest of the family didn’t eat them all.
These look so so tasty! I love salted caramel!
Weight Watchers snacks are so good when watching your weight. These look delicious and I will be adding them to my list for the grocery store!
Weight Watchers is such a great organization. These are treats anyone would love!
I really probably need to taste to believe. It looks good but I need to taste for myself!!
Is this product real? I cannot wait to try them seems like the real thing but healthier.
Weight Watchers has some really yummy products. I have yet to try these even though I have eyeballed them at the store.
These look so good! I’ve never had any weight watchers anything but I think I may need to see if I can find some! Yum
We tried these too and LOVED them. We could not keep the boxes we did have left over from our party, in the cupboard! Seriously were so good!
Weight Watchers actually has some pretty awesome bars. When I was on the program a few years ago they had this one called the Celebration Cake bar that tasted EXACTLY like a frosted birthday cake. Then I ate too many of them because they were so yummy and now I am tired of them. Too much of a good thing! At least they were low in calories so I didn’t gain weight from them!
This look so amazing! Whoever thought to add salt to caramel is my serious BFF.
These would make watching what you eat not so bad if you can have these for a treat. I am going to start Weight Watchers soon and will be picking up some of these for sure.
Yumm I so want that. Looks tasty.
Weight Watchers has really changed the game when it comes to eating healthy! These look great!
YUM! I love WW snacks, delicious and perfect if you’re watching points!
Oh, wow. These certainly look yummy. I only need a little bite of something sweet after a meal and this would be just right!
Oooh, I love salted caramel ANYTHING. Weight Watchers has surprisingly good and delicious products for being diet friendly!
I have been a fan of Weight Watchers for years. They offer some delicious treats.
I have been a fan of weight watchers for years. They offer some delicious treats
These look really good! Perfect snack to keep in work drawer.
I always stock up on Weight Watchers treats. They’re really good to be low calorie. They don’t have that weird chalky flavor.
I had the chance to try these too and they were amazing! They actually taste more like truffles to me!
Those are so delish! Great low on calories.
wow, what delicious looking treats and low calorie too! so many options i just might have to try one!
wow for that being a weight watchers treat it looks really good. I like that they already tell you the point value for those who are doing WW point system.
I am a big Weight Watchers fan so I cannot wait to try these yummy desserts. The perfect little treat without any worry!
These look so delicious. I am watching what i eat and would love to try these.
OMG i have to pick some of these up. They look so good i am excited to try a treat i do not have to feel guilty having.
Oh my goodness, these sound amazing. I love salted anything… lol. and caramel and brownies? I love it all
Those sound so good! Weight Watchers seem to make some really yummy stuff.
Those all sounds super yummy! I would love to try the coffee cake!
Even if you aren’t following the program, these are a great alternative to the other sweets you could be buying (or making). A better way to keep yourself in check!
These look super delicious! I would so go for it right now – looks like a great choice!
Looks like a great way to indulge a sweet tooth without feeling as much guilt. The flavor of treats like this has come a long way!
They just discontinued the entire line