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Printable Halloween Costume Patterns

Printable Halloween Costume Patterns Halloween is my favorite time of year but when my kids were little I used to dread costume shopping because they always wanted the “deluxe” costume that would cost two...

Mighty Wings at McDonald’s

Mighty Wings at McDonald’s

My husband has loved wings for as long as I have known him. My entire family loves chicken wings. However, no one loves wings more than my 10 year old son. He is constantly begging...

The Little Mermaid Film Review

The Little Mermaid Film Review

The Little Mermaid Film Review The Little Mermaid is looking good these days, now that she’s ‘out of the vault’ and in high-definition in her Diamond Edition Blu-ray re-release. With unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures, soaring Academy...

FROZEN New Disney Hit Movie

    FROZEN New Disney Hit Movie If you read this blog, then you know how much we love Disney. That includes all Disney movies. Right now, my kids cannot wait for Frozen to...