posted by Stacie on September 25, 2015
I received $150 from AstraZeneca, and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience. This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/AstraZeneca.
I had a friend who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer several years ago. It turns out that she had not been tested for the BRCA gene but she is now completely in favor of getting tested for that BRCA gene.
What is a BRCA gene?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human genes involved with cell growth, cell division, and cell repair. Although they are most commonly associated with BReast CAncer, approximately 15% of women with ovarian cancer also have BRCA gene mutations.
The Importance of BRCA Testing for Ovarian Cancer
There are a number of misperceptions about BRCA testing, such as the misperception that only those with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer or who are diagnosed at a young age should be tested. But, family history and age are poor predictors of BRCA status in ovarian cancer patients, which is why it is so important for all women with ovarian cancer to be tested.
National guidelines from organizations such as NCCN, ASCO and SGO recommend that all patients with epithelial ovarian cancer be considered for BRCA testing, regardless of family history, age at diagnosis, or ethnicity
Approximately 15% of women with ovarian cancer have a deleterious BRCA mutation
Despite these guidelines, every year many patients with ovarian cancer are not tested for a BRCA1/2 mutation
One of the reasons many patients are missed is the misperception that only those patients with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer or who are diagnosed at a young age should be tested. But screening based on family history or age misses many ovarian cancer patients with a BRCA mutation:
Family history and age at diagnosis are poor predictors of BRCA status in ovarian cancer patients
Almost half (47%) of BRCA-positive ovarian cancer patients have no significant family history of ovarian or breast cancer9
Over two thirds (71%) of BRCA-positive ovarian cancer patients are aged 50 or older
A blood or saliva sample can be taken at your physician's office or at a local lab. In the United States, results are usually available in 2 to 3 weeks
BRCA status in ovarian cancer affects treatment outcomes, and there are treatment options available specifically for women with BRCA mutations
Personalized, or precision, medicine tailors treatment to a patient's genetic profile, and with cancer it means doctors can target the specific mutations that they know drive a disease
This helps patients determine the right treatment options for them
For this reason, it is important for women with ovarian cancer to receive genetic testing so that they can plan with their doctor an individual treatment plan that is optimized for their specific cancer
The Realities of an Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
For patients with advanced ovarian cancer who have had multiple lines of chemotherapy, the prognosis is poor and treatment options are progressively limited with each additional line of therapy. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 21,000 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed in the Unites States in 2015, and that a woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer is 1 in 73.
For the 60% of ovarian cancer patients whose cancer has spread to other organs by the time of diagnosis, the five-year survival rate is only 27%
Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system and is often diagnosed late because symptoms mirror everyday ailments
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I don’t know much about ovarian cancer, but it sounds like there should be much more awareness for it! I hope more women realize the need for testing and early detection.
So many different kinds of cancers, it makes me sad. If there were any inklings that it was in my family I’d definitely get early tested. Great campaign for awareness.
This is oh so close to me. I’ve lost quite a few people to this including my grandma in her 80th year. Raising awareness is something I most definitely need to get involved in.
Dealing with the truth that you may be at a higher risk is hard. Having cancer is harder. I’m so grateful that there are ways to determine our risk and make educated choices based off of that.
Wow, some of this information is so alarming. There’s so much attention on breast cancer that we sometimes forget about other types of cancer. Thank you for the information.
Stacie Connerty is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
I wish this horrible disease was just gone. It awful and it needs to be cured!
Bring awareness about this horrible disease is so important. I know too many people who have been impacted by it.
My mom actually passed away from ovarian cancer. I am sure the gene for it runs in my family.
My best friend’s mother passed away from this type of cancer, and she has more in depth checks with her OBGYN. It can strike anyone.
I don’t know much about ovarian cancer, but it sounds like there should be much more awareness for it! I hope more women realize the need for testing and early detection.
Those are some really interesting statistics.It’s definitely best to catch these things as early as possible.
So many different kinds of cancers, it makes me sad. If there were any inklings that it was in my family I’d definitely get early tested. Great campaign for awareness.
Such a difficult disease to deal with. such a heartbreaking disease to be diagnosed with.
I hate cancer! I do wish they could find a cute for it.
This is oh so close to me. I’ve lost quite a few people to this including my grandma in her 80th year. Raising awareness is something I most definitely need to get involved in.
I think it is important to be tested for the BRCA gene. Having the knowledge to keep a close eye on your health can make a huge difference.
I know this story all too well. My mom is a survivor and brca positive. So important for families to get tested
Dealing with the truth that you may be at a higher risk is hard. Having cancer is harder. I’m so grateful that there are ways to determine our risk and make educated choices based off of that.
Wow, some of this information is so alarming. There’s so much attention on breast cancer that we sometimes forget about other types of cancer. Thank you for the information.
My mom survived Ovarian Cancer because it was caught early, great post, thanks for sharing this info!
I had a friend who had ovarian cancer, so I know how prevalent it is for women. I am not sure if I would have the BRCA test done.
I wish that this horrible disease would never affect another family. So scary! I hope that posts like this can help more women.
This is a great blog post! Thanks so much for sharing.