Fall Fashion Finds at Goodwill
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Goodwill of North Georgia for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. Did you know that Goodwill stores are a great place to find...
With rich leathers, soft suedes, and unique details, Naturalizer footwear captures the essence of modern femininity….whether that means taking a leisurely walk in velvet ballet flats, or running a board meeting in black leather pumps. Backed by research from their “Style & Trend” experts, the Naturalizer line offers the influence of current fashion, blended with the enduring style women have come to expect from the brand. Naturalizer delivers style that makes you look good and feel good – always – and especially during your time at the 2011 BlogHer Conference!
I am really excited to be working with Naturalizer as the #shoerescue fairy for the upcoming Blogher conference in San Diego this week. Naturalizer sent me four pairs of shoes to wear during the conference so I came up with a few potential outfits to go with my shoes. What do you think?
Naturalizer Violette – ENTER TO WIN YOUR VERY OWN PAIR!
Naturalizer Kiril
Naturalizer Media
Naturalizer Gladly
My goal is to “rescue” BlogHer conference attendees. Do you always find that your shoes are uncomfortable after a few hours? Naturalizer and I want to give you an emergency pair of the Naturalizer Violette in your size so that you can be comfortable yet stylish while walking the floors at BlogHer.
Now do you want some shoes? Of course you do! I will drawing names during the next several days and announcing the winners on Twitter. We will need to meet up during the conference (most likely Friday morning) so that I can give you the shoes.
If you cannot meet me to pick up these shoes, PLEASE don't enter. I am giving all of these shoes away during the conference and I am not taking these shoes home. I will also be taking a picture of you in your new shoes!
Don't worry if your name isn't drawn right away. I will also be doing some giveaways on Twitter during the conference and will have discount coupons to give out as well.
To enter, leave your Twitter name in a comment below along with your shoe size (let me know if you need a Medium, Narrow or Wide) ONLY IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE BLOGHER CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO THIS WEEK!! Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Take an extra entry by telling me why you could use a shoe makeover.
Take another entry by telling me which is your favorite pair of shoes from the Naturalizer site.
Take another entry by following Naturalizer on Twitter
Like Naturalizer on Facebook for another entry.
Disclosure: This opportunity was provided to me by Naturalizer and Brown Shoe Company.
I would love to win a pair of Naturalizer shoes. I am a size 8 M. Thanks for the chance.
Woo Hoo! How fun!
Shoe Size: 9
Width: Um good question. I’m going to go with medium for $200!
I forgot to leave my twitter name @clueless_mama. I would love the makeover because I will be wearing shoes at BlogHer that I am not sure I can even walk in. I haven’t worn heels in so long. My feet are going to need serious rescuing!!
Oh I could use a shoe makeover because my feet hurt constantly + I’m really bad at dressing myself 🙂
Following @Naturalizer on Twitter! @dealectiblemom
Liked Naturalizer on FB!
I love the Kiril and the Alina. They are both beautiful.
I follow Naturalizer on Twitter. @clueless_mama
I Liked Naturalizer on Facebook. Laurie Cooper Thanks again for the chance to rescue my feet.
I would love a shoerescue! Since having my first child last summer I think my feet grew. Half size. So a size 7 would hopefully work! Can’t wait for my first BlogHer!
I followed Naturalizer on Twitter
Congrats! I LOVE the outfits, very classic! You are going to look adorable!
I wear a 9! *mouthing*: Call me.
I need a shoe rescue because I got rid of all of my closed toed dress shoes except for a pair of sexy boots. Yeah what was I thinking? Doh!
By the way Love your outfit choices! So cute and sexy. My favorite style is the Media flat.
I follow Naturalizer on twitter!
I’d love to win! I don’t have anything like those. 8 1/2 M
My favorite Naturalizer shoes are those hot sexy leopard pumps. They would go really good with my red dress I’m bringing to #BlogHer!
I would love a pair of Yates in Black! They’d be great for my upcoming vacation.
Liked Naturalizer on Facebook!
I could use a shoe makeover because my shoes always end up hurting. (Size 8.5).
My twitter name is astroqueen67
my shoe size is 9 medium
Follow Naturalizer on twitter as astroqueen67
Like Naturalizer on FB
My shoe size is 10 wide & you can tweet me @lilaccitymomma!
I could use a shoe makeover because I only own only 6 pairs of shoes, 3 being flip flops!! I need a shoe makeover!!
Following @NaturalizerShoe on Twitter!
Following Naturalizer Shoe on FB!
Yeah! I would LOVE a shoe rescue from the shoe rescue fairy via Naturalizer. I wear a size 10! If you rescue me, I promise to tweet my feet throughout the conference. As a mom to four and a stepmom to two, I’m always on my feet and having them be comfortable yet fashionable means a lot.
Thanks, Heather
Oh, I almost forgot the most important piece of info… my twitter is @CafeSmom Thanks again shoe fairy:)
Heather (size 10)
Seriously an awesome contest!
Congratulations! You make a great shoe fairy!
Can’t wait to see you in SD!
These are so adorable! I love the Violette- sensible yet super-cute.
Congrats! – @one2try 8.5 W
I need a shoe makeover for a more fashionable look.
My fave pair is the Yaro in blk leather
Following Naturilzer on twitter
Like Naturalizer on FB
I need a shoe makeover because I wear only three types: cowboy boots, softball cleats, and flip flops. Between those three- I’ve got all seasons and terrain covered.
I’m a new GFC follower from the Boost Your Buzz Summer Giveaway. Thanks for participating, it’s a great way to meet new people. Hope you have a chance to drop by and visit me!
@gatewaytosaving and I wear a 7.5 or 8 medium
Follow Naturalizer on Twitter!
Like them on FB, too!
8 narrow
I love Naturalizer shoes. They make comfortable cute!
So many choices: one of my fave is Brazen in red
Why I need makeover? As most moms, I spend a lot of time fussing over everyone else that I forget about me sometimes.
Like them on fb
Following on Twitter (@hippie_mom)
Congratulations Stacie!! ;D
Shoe size 6.5
If my feet aren’t happy … I’m not happy! I need a makeover to keep those feet of mine happy! ;D
I’m really loving the Naya Genesis in the graphite color right now. But my favorite tends to change daily!
I follow Naturalizer on Twitter. ;D
I follow Naturalizer on Facebook too. 😉
Congrats on the sponsorship! I’d love to meet you!! I wear a size 9, and probably a narrow or medium, depending on the fit.
My twitter name is @beccascrazyboys and I could use a shoe makeover because… I have no cute shoes. Let’s be honest here. I own 20 pair of flip flops, and I’m not even kidding!!
You actually are showing my favorite pair! I love the Violette shoes!! They look so cute and comfy- and they’re flat! I need that!
I like Naturalizer on twitter 🙂
I like Naturalizer on
Facebook 🙂
My twitter name is @queenofswag4u on twitter and I will be attending blog her. My shoe size is 5 1/2 and I’m not sure if I’m medium or wide. But I know I have a tiny foot!
I need a shoe make over because since my foot is so small I have a hard time finding shoes that fit me. I usually end up wearing a size 6 in some flats or or flip flops or sneakers. I would love to have a nice pair of comfortable dressy shoes that can make me look all dolled up for BlogHer as I honestly don’t have any!
My favorite pair is the new Alina Black Leather shoe. It looks perfect for the young hip mom I want to be!
I follow you and natrulizer on twitter.
I like naturalizer on facebook. vanessa diaz
I would LOVE a shoe rescue at BlogHer! I’ve tried to pack my most comfortable shoes, but this will really put them to the test. I’m honestly not sure how they’ll do 🙁
I’m @ostmega on twitter and I usually wear a 9M. Thanks & I hope I can run into in San Diego – new shoes or no new shoes 🙂
I could use a new shoe makeover because most of “real” shoes (not sandals/flip flops) were purchased before or just after my oldest son was born. He’s 8 now – yikes! (@ostmega, 9M)
There are a lot of great styles on the website! I think the Arness boots are pretty sweet, though. They remind me of fall & I could use some cooler weather right now! (@ostmega, 9M)
I like Naturalizer on Facebook (@ostmega, 9M)
I wear Naturalizer every day for work!
Love them! find me at BlogHer please. 🙂
@Mommyfriend Size 7.5
size 8.5
Thanks for the chance!!
I could use a shoe makeover because I just had a baby two weeks ago and I really deserve to be as comfortable as possible at Blogher! 🙂
I love the Naturalizer Glady!!
Following them Twitter
Following them on facebook! Thanks for the chance! (and congrats on the win)
I like Naturalizer on FB.
I am a 6.5 regular.
My twitter is @enzasbargains
I follow on twitter!
I am a 6.5 regular.
My twitter is @enzasbargains
I can use a SHOE make over….B/C I am trying to travel with everything and one small carryon…I think I will only have one pair of shoes with me…so my feet will probably kill me! I am traveling from hotel to hotel since the conference hotel was full! 🙁
I am a 6.5 regular.
My twitter is @enzasbargains
I love the Naturalizer Media’s! I work on my feet all day long!
I am a 6.5 regular.
My twitter is @enzasbargains
I could use a shoe makeover because silly me decided to put style over comfort and will be using an entire box of band-aids at the conference if someone doesn’t save me! (@thecouponista 7M)
My favorite are the Naturalizer Gladly (@thecouponista – 7M)
My twitter name is @texasebeth ….size 7 or 7.5 wide
I need a shoe makeover because I have a difficult time finding shoes for my fat feet. I also haven’t bought new shoes in over a year, at least not what I’d consider “real” shoes. Flip-flops are not real shoes in my opinion. 🙂
I love the MInka. Looks like they have a ruffle and I am in complete love with ruffles.
I am an 8
I follow on twitter
Size 9 narrow or medium
@momendeavors size 8 medium
I so need a shoe makeover! I love cute shoes, but sadly don’t have many. Like many moms I tend to buy stuff for the kiddie before myself!
I am a 9 M usually 🙂
I follow on twitter 🙂
I liked naturalizer on Facebook! 🙂
I am loving the Violette in Pewter!!
My black flats are several years old and only sort of comfy…I could TOTALLY use a super comfy pair!! I just can’t justify if I have a pair that sorta works…
@mommystory on Twitter. And I wear a size 10 Medium.
I follow Naturalizer on Twitter.
@ThoseThingsILov 7.5 reg
I like Naturalizer on Facebook, too. (10M)
My favorite shoes are the Violette shoes – they’d be perfect for BlogHer as well as with my outfits for work! (10M)
I could use a Shoe Makeover because since I’ve been blogging my go-to shoes are flip flops. And without practice with “real” shoes, I need comfort!
I need a shoe makeover because I’ll be at BlogHer wearing the same shoes I wore at last year’s BlogHer, and the previous year’s BlogHer, and the BlogHer before that. I need some new shoes! (10M)
I follow Naturalizer on Twitter
I Like Naturalizer on Facebook!
Congrats on being picked to be the Shoe Rescuer!
I love the Kiril….but I adore the new IRMA!
my twitter is @superbaratisimo my shoe size is 7 or 7 1/2. I like Medium.
i want to win the makeover because i did not have time to buy a more confortables shoes.
lifero at gmail dot com
i follow naturalizer en facebook
lifero at gmail dot com
i follow naturalizer en twitter
lifero at gmail dot com
i like the Mara Black Leather shoes
lifero at gmail dot com
I need some shoes bad since I have been wearing the same “dressy” shoes for way too long… not sure they are in style anymore…
I love the Natraulizer Media shoes – LOVE THEM!
I am @DealiciousMom size 8 wide
I need an 11 Medium!
I need a shoe makeover because it’s only Wednesday and my feet already hurt.
I love the Berlynn Black Fabric! Soooo cute!
I follow Naturalizer on Twitter.
I like Naturalizer on Facebook.
Whoops – need a size 8 or 8-1/2 Medium – thanks!
I will be running to and from about 20 events on Friday – my feet will hate me. I need a shoe rescue!
Liked Naturalizer on Twitter
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