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Disclosure: I was compensated for this post on behalf of the Drowsy Driving Prevention Week campaign and the National Sleep Foundation. Opinions are 100% my own.
I am not someone who loves driving. It seems like every time I get behind the wheel, I get drowsy. This is especially true for long trips. My husband knows this about me and is always our designated driver for every family road trip. I am a good navigator and kid wrangler. We both have roles that work for us.
However there is the occasional trip that I just do have to drive for whatever reason. There are several things that I have to in order to be fully prepared. The most important thing that I need to do is get a good night's sleep the night before. That is a MUST if I want to drive for any length of time.
The National Sleep Foundation has several great tips that you can follow in order to get a better night's sleep. They advise that you should go to bed at the same time every night, avoid snacking 2-3 hours before bedtime and to have your room around 60-67 degrees.
This week is also the National Sleep Foundation's Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. In an effort to reduce the number of fatigue-related crashes and to save lives, the National Sleep Foundation is declaring Nov. 2-9, 2014 to be Drowsy Driving Prevention Week®. This annual campaign provides public education about the under-reported risks of driving while drowsy and countermeasures to improve safety on the road.
Direct your readers to take a Pledge Against Drowsy Driving, to share it with their friends, and to learn more about our Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. The post will include a blurb at the top from the National Sleep Foundation (with all links no follow and FTC-compliant disclosures). We have not yet finalized the landing page, but will send you a link to direct your readers to as soon as it’s finished.
· Share your post, with the campaign hashtag, #drowsydriving on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Space permitting, use both the hashtag and tag the NSF accounts.
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I used to be SO guilty of these. I had trouble sleeping, so when I would drive during the day, the sound of the wheels made me so sleepy.
No joke, I have seen people driving while they were asleep. It’s really scary to see that when you’re driving down the road.
Not so much anymore, but in my college days I would have to stop when I saw the signs- I often pulled over and took a nap on the side of the PCH, on the way home from school- better safe than sorry, especially on windy roads!
I have driven tired before and was surprised that I made it home in one piece to be honest.
Oh my goodness, this is SO me. I’ve been having some health problems and I’m tired all the time. I can’t quit yawning and no matter how much sleep I get I still feel exhausted.
This is such an important post. A lot of people do not think of the dangers of drowsy driving.
I need to show this to my hubby! It’s crazy how quickly he gets tired when driving!
Thanks for that first picture. I am now drowsy and want to take a nap!
I can see how easy it is for people to drowsy drive. It may sneak up on you. This is a great campaign to keep unsafe drivers off the streets.
I have driven so many times when I am tired. It’s not good. Thank you for the great information.
It is SO easy to get drowsy when you’re driving. There’s just something about the sound of the wheels on the road that makes you ssoo sleepy.
I’ve seen people weaving in and out of traffic and they were just as dangerous or worse than a drunk driver; and they were just tired. Its amazing how it can affect our driving just by being tired. I do my best to not drive when tired. We will often just go without instead of me risking a trip to the grocery store, we just do with what we have in our shelves.
What a great pledge to take. I know in the past there were times that I should not have been driving. Super-scary. Thanks for sharing.
I have driven so sleepy that I have caught myseelf pulling to the right- that has been years ago and happened during a time when we were going to visit my Mom when she was ill. I dont drive drowsy or tired anymore it isnt worth hurting someone else or yourself.
Great information! I have to remind myself not to drive when sleepy.
Great advice!! I totally agree its hard to stay focused when you are tired driving on long trips.
I hate driving long distances, I always get sleepy. My husband loves to drive forever! We divide and conquer like you do!
When I was in college, I lived about 5 hours from my parents. I certainly remember some drowsy drives home! It’s scary to think about now.
My husband likes to drive late at night when we travel and not stop for sleep, it’s like pulling teeth to get him to stop, super scary. Great post showing awareness because it happens everyday.
I normally don’t even drive at night when I’m more tired than any other time of the day. I have a hard time seeing at night so I don’t even get in the car. I’ll gladly take this pledge.
I know my mom feel asleep at the wheel after a double shift! Scary stuff for sure!
I definitely make the pledge to drive alert! 🙂
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