Freedom of the Seas: Cruising with Kids
Cruising with kids can be a challenge. Are they going to have fun? Are the parents? Today we will take a look at cruising with the little ones on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the...
We are back with another fun Twitter chat. Do you know that a lot of first-time homebuyers have questions and they don't know who to ask? If you have questions regarding home safety join us this Wednesday along with our friends @Make_It_Right, @mike_holmesjr and @sherryl_holmes along with @ETN_Electrical as they discuss what to look for and keep in mind with regards to home safety. Join the conversation with #ETNHolmesChatSafety
Mike Holmes: @Make_It_Right
Sherry Holmes: @sherryl_holmes
Mike Holmes Jr.: @mike_holmesjr
DIY Influencers: @StacieinAtlanta, @FoodieFather, @SunAndSeaSalt and @KatieFemia
Mike Holmes Swag packs (shirts, books and safety glasses)
& Eaton Electrical Swag packs (sport polo, water bottle USB port devices, USB charger, wireless mouse).
Join Mike Holmes @Make_It_Right, @sherryl_holmes, @mike_holmesjr & @ETN_Electrical + DIY Influencers @FoodieFather, @SunAndSeaSalt and @KatieFemia for the #ETNHolmesChatSafety #TwitterChat 9.19.18 at 7pm EST ~ RSVP here: #TwitterParty #TweetChat #ad
— Stacie H Connerty (@StacieinAtlanta) September 17, 2018
This chat looks like a very informative session. We all need to learn about home buying and home safety so I will keep this time period open.
This will be very helpful for first-time home buyers. It sounds like a lot of useful information to be shared!
Seems like a helpful chat for home safety.
This ought to be a nice Twitter chat. I like Mike Holmes. I haven’t watched his show in a while
This would be so much fun and a really helpful discussion!!
We are currently buying a fixer upper and I think this chat will be right up my all. I look forward to attending.
This sounds like a great Twitter Party! I would love to learn more about the information they’ll be sharing!
Oh I love Twitter parties! I’ll have to check this one out – it’s been awhile since I actually did one.
Love mike Holmes. Used to see his crew and himself while they were filming a lot. This will be a fantastic information session
Sounds awesome. i love a good twitter party I will have to try to make it, Mike Holmes is a fave!
I bet this is going to be a good informative Twitter Party. One day I will be a first time home buyer.