Cisco-Linksys E4200 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router Review
For connecting and creating a wireless Internet connection, you need a wireless router. This router directly connected to an Internet modem, allowing you to create the wireless Internet signal.
In our household, we are technology lovers. We have pretty much everything connected to our router. Six computers, two smartphones, three tablets and three gaming systems regularly compete for our wireless. We needed a modem that could handle our family.
One available option is the Cisco Linksys E4200 Maximum Performance Dual-Band N Router. The router does have a few different features to help improve the performance and speed of your Internet connection.
This is a nice alternative to the routers provided by most Internet companies, as not only is it more powerful, but you don’t spend a monthly rental fee using the company’s router.
To start, the Cisco-Linksys E4200 Dual-Band Wireless-N Router device has a 2.4+5 GHz dualband router built into the hardware. The dualband connection significantly improves the overall connection speed allotted by the device, over routers with a single band.
Additionally, the router has a variety of security features, to help prevent unwanted users from hacking into the wireless Internet connection. It has a WPA2-Enterprise filter, a Wi-Fi protected setup, allowing you to select your own password and configure who is allowed to use the connection, not to mention additional WEP, WPA and WP2 configurations. It also features parental controls, to help you block specific sites from your children.
On the back side of the wireless router there are for wired WAN ports. This not only allows you to connect the wired Internet modem to the device, but external devices you want to run on the Internet connection. This may include external hard drives, if you want to create a wireless network drive, accessible by any computer on the network.
Connecting a hard drive to the router allows any computer on the network the ability to access saved information on the drive, which is helpful if you don’t want to constantly save data onto a flash drive and transport it over to a different computer.
We have been using this router for six months and the speed of our Internet has improved considerably. With our old modem, we were having connectivity issues and Internet outages on almost a daily basis. This modem is made for technology heavy households.

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