Have You Checked Out the eBay Collections?
This post is sponsored by eBay.
Have you checked out the new eBay Collections?
Last month I introduced you to my collections by showing you my Mad About Beads board. See it here:
Mad About Beads – Style & Fashion Report
What I didn't share with you is that I have curated 25 boards so far. I love being able to group things together by type and share them with my readers.
Need some boots for winter? How about a new ski jacket or some gloves? I have a board for that! Check out my Welcome Winter board that will outfit you for the perfect winter:

I have added UGGS, a cashmere hoodie, a really cool pink puffer vest, leather gloves and a fabulous scarf. There are more sweaters and a few other items to round out any woman's winter collection.
You can check out all of my eBay collections and make sure to follow me, too!

What kind of collection you would create on eBay?
My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay.

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How did I not know about this? I haven’t been on eBay in forever. I’ll have to go check this out.
That is so handy! It’s like Pinterest for eBay!
Oh goodness does this look quite possibly addicting! I’d love to create a shoe collection! That would be FUN!
I love all of your collections! I have created a few now . I just started following you!
I remember back when Ebay was just a simple website that you searched for auctions on. Now it’s like an amped up version of Pinterest which is cool!
I would definitely make a beauty and fashion collection on ebay!!
What a great tool. I have not been on ebay in a while, so I was not aware of this super cool feature. It reminds me of pinterest. Thanks for reminding me to check out ebay for some Uggs for my daughter. I will check out the collections and #followitfindit. Thanks for the tips.
You have great collections on your style boards! Love the girly girl bows! I have a feeling following you will make me go broke! haha!
I did not know about this! I think I would make boards for clothes, kitchen and kid stuff!
I had no idea you could create collections on Ebay. I have a feeling I could spend a lot of time doing this! I love the boots in the winter collection!
I love your collections! I am addicted to Ebay!
I love following your boards. It’s extraordinary what you can find on them!
Thanks so much~
Cathy Chester
This is great! I love how Ebay has added so many new features! I would create a boots collection and definitely one for handbags!
I have not been on Ebay in a while it seems to have died down some. This is a neat way to do things though so I may have to go back on there I am looking for some beds for my kids right now.