The Ultimate Collection of Recipes Celebrating Julia Child
Before I was interested in cooking, the parodies of Julia Child on Saturday Night Live made me laugh and laugh. I thought that she was funny and the people who portrayed her were funny...
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Sturm Foods, Inc. I received a promotional item and product samples as a thank you for participating.
Every single morning, I like to relax for the first 15 minutes after I wake up. I brew some coffee and take those 15 minutes to kind of think about my day, take notes and figure out a plan. I feel much more relaxed and motivated after taking those few minutes for myself.
We have been drinking Caza Trail's single serve Donut Shop blend and we love it! You can also locate the Donut Shop blend and 24 other CazaTrail varieties on their Amazon page. I love that they come in single size servings as I’m always on the go, especially this time of year!