How to Live a Better Life
How to Live a Better Life My, how time flies. It doesn’t seem so long ago that you made plans to improve your life in the new year. Now more than halfway through the...
I partnered with Harmony Books to share about #WELLTH with you!
As an avid reader, I am always on the lookout for a good book to read. I tend to change genre's frequently so I never get bored. I will read mysteries, romance, self-help, thrillers and so much more but those are the first types of books that I look for.
I was recently sent WELLTH: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Résumé by Jason Wachob and I have to share with you how much I really enjoyed this book. WELLTH: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Résumé, is the first book by founder Jason Wachob. This book redefines successful living while offering readers a new life currency to build on, one that is steeped in wellbeing—Wellth.
“Many of us aren’t satisfied with just trying to accumulate the most money and toys. The good life is no longer just about the material—instead, it can be found in a lifestyle that is devoted to mental, physical, and emotional health. A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount, and daily living is about abundance. It’s a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful; and there’s a daily sense of richness or overflowing joy. But since there’s no one-size-fits-all definition for a wellthy existence, I hope this book will serve as a guide to help you embark on your own personal journey that is both unique and meaningful.”
Eat. Move. Work. Believe. Explore. Breathe. Connect. Love. Heal. Thank. Ground. Live. Laugh.
These are the building blocks of Wellth. In this blend of memoir and prescriptive advice, Jason Wachob shows us all how to enjoy truly “wellthy” lives—lives that are deeply rich in every conceivable way. Through his experience and personal story, as well as in exclusive material from popular expert contributors (including Dr. Frank Lipman, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Joe Cross, Charlie Knoles, Kathryn Budig, Dr. Aviva Romm, and Dr. Sue Johnson), we learn how we, too, can embrace this new movement, while exploring what we can do to make frequent deposits into our own “wellth” accounts. What’s your life worth to you? Come and explore it.
I think that it is very easy in our lives to get so busy that we never truly feel fulfilled. I know for years that I lived like I just needed one more thing and then my life would be complete. I never truly realized that my life was complete. I simply added to it as I grew older.
My blog is about living the good life and this is really what WELLTH is about. This quote explains it so well, “The good life is no longer just about the material – instead it can be in a lifestyle that is devoted to mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.”
This explains so much about the book and indeed the life that I try to live. No longer am I solely focused on earning money for my family. I want to experience everything with my family and I want to live a peaceful, happy life. I want the same for my husband and kids. This comes from all of those things that Jason Wachob touches on in his book:
Mental: I take time out for myself. No work. No kids. Just me. I read books or do another hobby of mine.
Physical: I joined a gym with my family a few months ago and we all work out together. I have never felt better. I take yoga classes as well.
Spiritual: I make certain I connect spiritually with myself.
Emotional: Doing all of those things above make me feel so much more fulfulled than I ever have in my life. This is WELLTH.
If you feel something is missing in your life or if you have just learned that what you need to be fulfilled, this book is for you. Give it a read!
JASON WACHOB is the founder and CEO of mindbodygreen, the leading independent media brand dedicated to health and happiness, with 15 million monthly unique visitors. He has been featured in the New York Times, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and Vogue. Jason has a BA in history from Columbia University, where he played varsity basketball for four years. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and loves German shepherds, Chuck Taylors, and guacamole.
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Just the whole theme of this book really resonates with me! It’s exactly what I’m trying to do and I can’t wait to pick this up!
That sounds like a great read. I would love to check it out.
This looks like a great read and one that I can definitely identify with. I’ve been working on building my life instead of trying to build up my resume for someone else’s pleasure/use. I need to check out this book.
This definitely looks like a book I would enjoy reading. I am like you, in that I read many genres so that I never get bored. I will have to find myself a copy soon!
This sounds so interesting. I don’t normally read books like this, but after reading your review, I am going to look for this book.
Mind Body Green is actually one of my favorite websites. I’m going to add this one to my reading list. I *LOVE* reading nonfiction books like this.
This sounds like a book i need to read. I am going to the book store this weekend. I will have to check out a copy.
This sounds like an interesting read. This would be the perfect book for me too. I’m sure I could learn a lot from it.
Sounds like an interesting book. Definitely going to check it out, I need to catch up on my reading and that title got me hooked.
Thanks for the recommendation! I love a good book, and this looks very interesting. Definitely sounds like a life changing read.
This sounds like a great read. I know money can’t buy happiness. I have loved the freedom of working for myself. It has been the most regarding too.
This is something I need to read. We all should be building our lives instead of building a resume. I will add this to my list.
Sounds like a really interesting read, I need to check this out.
I love this quote, ” A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount, and daily living is about abundance.” I am going to post this somewhere where I can see it often.
This books sounds like a must read. I have always loved reading and really should get back to doing so.
What a fabulous book to relate to building self. I love the whole concept and will definitely be grabbing one for myself!
Sounds like this would be a really thought-provoking read!
My husband would enjoy this book. Think it would be a great gift idea for him since he is busy building his own company.
Oooo now this sounds like my kinda read!!! I will have to check this out!
Now this looks like something I need to read!! Great review!!
This sounds like the perfect read for me! Love adding books to my list, especially when they apply to my life.
This sounds like a book worth spending time with. The title alone got me and I want to learn that for my life.
This is how I try and live my life. Can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Thanks for sharing I’m feeling motivated and inspired!
This does sound like an excellent book to help you think about your purpose, goals, etc. I want to look for it. I had recently read in a post that life is more than paying bills, which I know many ppl are scraping so desperately it is hard to think about wellth! But since you might never get past scraping, it is good to think about wellth – I want to find out more!