ipsy Bag Reveal May 2015
Now that it's May, I bet that you are interested in this month's ipsy box, right? Here is what we thought of the May ipsy box with you! I'm always so excited...
Bladder leaks are something that I think every woman has to deal with in her life. They tend to be a part of life and even more so for women who have recently had children or started menopause. Sometimes stress urinary incontinence or SUI can be difficult to deal with, and no one wants to worry about having a bladder leak at any point during the day or night. Don't let SUI prevent you from living the life you want to live.
After having children, SUI started to become a problem for my mother, but after menopause, the severity increased, and it has become an issue she has to deal with constantly. She has tried a few products over the years, with varying degrees of success, but never really felt satisfied or confident with them. If you have SUI, you know that it can happen anytime, even when you hear a great joke. Know what I mean?
Did you know that 1 in 4 women experience SUI? Now you can Stop Bladder Leaks with Finess.
Meet Finess. The Finess Softpatch is the first of its kind product created for women with mild to moderate SUI. Wearing Finess means that women no longer need to walk around with a bulky, soggy, smelly absorbent pad in their underwear.
The Finess Clinical Study found a significant number of women have issues with SUI while working out. SUI, which most commonly occurs in women during and after menopause, as well as post-partum, happens when a woman’s bladder leaks a little bit of urine during a “stress event” – a sneeze, cough, laugh, lifting a heavy object or other physical activity.
Finess keeps urine in your bladder by blocking leaks before they happen plus it's proven to be safe and effective. Place Finess over your urethral opening, and the specially formulated hydrogel adhesive gently seals it in place until you remove it when you use the toilet. When you sneeze, laugh or lift something heavy, Finess stops the urine from escaping, so there’s no fluid to absorb.
While some women may feel Finess, the majority of women find it very comfortable to wear, enabling them to participate in everyday activities without worrying about unexpected leaks.
Finess is manufactured in the USA from materials that have a proven history of use in medical applications. The foam body is made from a material often used for medical products in contact with sensitive tissues. The principal component of the hydrogel adhesive is also used in other devices such as contact lenses and permanent medical implants.
My mother has been using Finess now for a few weeks, and she loves it. My mother told me it is very easy to use, she doesn't even know she's wearing it, and she likes that the packaging is so discreet. There’s nothing discreet about pads. She has had no bladder leaks since she started wearing it and she has already purchased more. My mother has found her SUI solution, she no longer has to avoid any activities and feels confident throughout her day.
Finess is available for purchase directly on the havefiness.com website, or on Amazon.
How Finess Works
Is Finess Right For You (Quiz)?
How to Use Finess (Video)
No need for pads.
No need to absorb leaks.
No need to worry.
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I have never heard of this it looks extremely interesting. I do have problems when I exercise so I will definitely check this out.
I have never heard of Finess before this post. It looks much more discrete than a bulky pad.
I have never heard of Finess before!! This looks like a great option for dealing with bladder leaks.
That’s a really cool idea! I love that it gets rid of the need for a bulky pad. Genius!
I love how compact this is! Such a difference from the other options out there!
This sounds like such a discreet resource for women with bladder leaks. I’m sure this is popular with the mom crowd!
This is the first time I heard about using a soft patch for SUI. My mom suffers from SUI. It;s good to know that there are other products she can use.
This is interesting. Never heard this before but it looks like a great products.
There is a whole group of ladies in my Zumba class that would love this. I am going to send them all here to read about this.
This sounds like a life changer for some women. I have a few friends that have this issue. I will have to share this with them so they can try it.
Wow, I never knew such a thing existed! Interesting most definitely.
What a great idea. I am going to share this with my family members, some can use it!
This looks like a great product. I have a relative that will be very interested in trying this out.
Bladder leakage is the worst! I am so glad that they are coming up with more ways to combat this!
I havne’t heard os Finess but I love how discreet it looks! Great post
I’ve never heard of this product before but I can definitely see the benefits! Thanks for sharing – I’m sure a lot of women will be able to benefit from this!
I’m so glad that there are options for people with bladder leaks now. It’s a health problem like any other and people are embarrassed to get help for it.
This sounds like a neat little gadget. I like it because it seems more discreet compared to pads or other products on the market. Unfortunately, I have a weak bladder thanks to my kids. 🙂
After three big babies, my bladder is not what it used to be. I would like to try Finess while at the gym.
I had not heard of Finess before this post. I have LBL, so I think I am a great candidate for the product.
It’s really cool how these work and it’s nice that they are so small! I think these will be awesome for leaks!
This is super neat and way better than pads! A friend of mine has these issues so I’m going to have to tell her about these!
Wow this is pretty nifty. I would never think of something like this but how helpful. Could have used this during my last pregnancy too!
At first I read two years and wondered why women would wait so long to mention it to their doctors. Then I thought about how long it’s been since I went to the doctor. Glad there are discreet products to help with leaks.
I have never heard of Finess before. The only thing I’ve heard of prior to this article, aside from gross pads, is Impressa which is an insert. My only issue with the Finess is if you drink a lot of water, like me, you pee a lot which means everytime you went to the restroom you’d have to change your Finess which could get costly, right? Or am I misunderstanding how this is used? But anything is better than having a coughing fit and wearing a pantyliner to try to save yourself 😉 Great info. Sorry for the TMI 🙂
Sounds like a great product to try. Bladder leaks are no fun that’s why I always have pads in my bag. Love that this Finess is small and easy to slip on my bag.
This is the first I am hearing of this, but I can tell you as a mom I really could use this and so could a lot of my friends!
It is amazing how new technology can help create an important solution. It seems like your Mom has put her seal of approval on this product.
What I’ve noticed is that when I need to go – I really need to go. Holding it in is no longer an option. Welcome to life over 40, I guess.
I love how compact these are! There really is nothing discreet about pads! I thankfully don’t need anything like this yet, but i know this will make so many women happy.
I will not lie there was such a huge campaign for those bladder control pads last year I thought I was gonna explode. I really didnt know women suffered with bladder leaks like this but this is an interesting concept. Is it like a tampon?
I have never heard of this but it looks like a genius came up with it! I have to find one of these.