posted by Stacie on January 11, 2018
This A Healthier Me in 2018 post is sponsored by ScriptSave® WellRx.
A Healthier Me in 2018
So it's a new year, and with it come the resolutions that we make and renew as we change out our calendars. For me personally, my focus is on the overall health and wellness of both myself and my family. This is a bit of a renewal of last year’s resolution for me. I focused heavily on losing weight and getting in shape during 2017, and I managed to make some pretty big strides. I lost and kept off a ton of weight. I made the going to the gym something more than a vague idea in my head. Overall, I am pretty happy with my 2017 results…but that doesn't mean they couldn't be better. We hope that you enjoy this A Healthier Me in 2018 with Script Save WellRx post.
And that is the focus of 2018. I want to continue the journey that I began last year. I want to be the healthiest me I can possibly be. Now one of the keys to success for my goal involves regular doctor visits. What is the point of eating right and working out if I'm not bothering to have myself checked for problems that I cannot see with my eyes? So I started 2018 with a checkup, and I learned that there were specific things that needed work. My blood pressure was a little high. Not bad, but not great. Same with cholesterol levels. Overall, my checkup showed that I have made great progress, but there was still work to do. So I left the doctor’s office with a few prescriptions in hand and the determination to really get to work on myself.
One hurdle that I had to overcome though was cost. As I filled my prescriptions for the first time, I was struck by the thought that I had added another bill to the monthly expenditures. I needed three scripts filled, and with my insurance that meant I would be spending $60 a month on medication (Our insurance copay is $20 per prescription). Now with a family of 5 every penny matters, so I couldn't help but wonder if there wasn't a way to save money on my medicine. Was $20 per script a good deal? I had no idea.
It was then that I tried ScriptSave® WellRx and learned that I was overpaying at the pharmacy. I could buy all three of my prescriptions for less than $15 using their service. That's a savings of better than $45 when compared to what I was paying with my insurance plan, and for my family that is significant. Apparently using my insurance isn't always the best deal, which was a bit of an eye opener.
What is ScriptSave WellRx
ScriptSave WellRx is a free program that can significantly impact the cost of prescription drugs. It is designed to reduce the pharmacy costs for people who are uninsured, under-insured, on high deductible plans, or on a plan with a higher prescription drug copay. ScriptSave WellRx has negotiated pricing with over 62,000 pharmacies across the country, and those negotiated prices can mean real savings. And best of all, the program is free to use. There is absolutely no cost or downside to using the ScriptSave WellRx service, and using the program couldn't be easier.
Using ScriptSave WellRx
To use the WellRx service, you simply head over to the ScriptSave WellRx website and download the WellRx Discount card, or you install the mobile app. Once you do this you can begin to price compare, which ScriptSave has made incredibly easy. Now we live in Atlanta, and I wanted to see pricing from pharmacists near me for all of my prescriptions. So I entered my zip code and what drug I needed. ScriptSave WellRx then generated a list of twenty pharmacies near me that was a part of the plan and what they would charge for my medicine. It was here that I realized I had been overpaying by a lot. Take my blood pressure medication. I was paying $20 a month for this drug through insurance. ScriptSave WellRx had pharmacies selling the same medication for $2.23 a month. Seriously? I had been overpaying by better than $17 a month…and that was for just one medication.
I then looked up each drug that I needed and price compared. As I did this, I saved each drug to my Medicine Chest, which is a feature of the program. Medicine Chest is where you save all the drugs that you buy regularly, and it allows you to quickly compare all of your medicine costs in one place as often as you like. And you should compare and check often. Drug pricing changes all the time, and the medicine chest will show you real time, current pricing for everything that you use. The medicine chest can be set up to show either the one single pharmacy that will offer the lowest one stop shop pricing or the specific combination of pharmacies that will offer the lowest pricing on every medicine needed.
To use the program at the pharmacy, you simply show your free downloadable membership card (or the app) to the pharmacist and ask that they show you the ScriptSave WellRx pricing. If you have insurance ask to see a comparison, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that you can save a little cash.
Really the only “catch” that I found was that you can't stack savings. In other words, you can't use say a coupon AND the ScriptSave WellRx pricing at the same time. The same applies with insurance, you have to use either the insurance price or the WellRx price. If you would like to try the ScriptSave WellRx program, head over to the website or download the app. Additionally, you can use the card below. It is a fully functioning card that you can save to your phone or print out to bring with you to the pharmacy.
So if your New Year's resolution involves getting healthy while possibly saving a little cash, check out ScriptSave WellRx. It just might put a little money in your pocket for free. We hope that you enjoyed our A Healthier Me in 2018 with ScriptSave WellRx post.
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Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Audrey. If you’ve not yet checked out our website, don’t forget your free membership at the special link that Stacie shared in her blog post …
This is wonderful information! Thank you!! I had to change insurance companies and my prescriptions are in limbo right now. It makes me sad and angry that people have to pay so much for their prescriptions, making decisions of either buying food, paying rent, or paying for their prescriptions. More people need to know about this. Thanks again!!!
Thanks so much for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx program, Gisele – it seems like this blog post might have been well-timed, given the changes you mentioned to your insurance. If we can help, we’re only a click or call away and don’t forget the free membership that’s available via the special link that Stacie shared in her post…
I think it’s fantastic that you are putting your health as a goal in 2018. I’m trying to do the same. I can’t believe how much you saved using ScriptSave® WellRx. I’ve got to try it for my many daily prescriptions.
If you’ve not yet checked out the ScriptSave WellRx program, Terri, we’re only a click or call away. Don’t forget that our new “Medicine Chest” functionality can let you price-check the least expensive 1-stop-price for all your meds at one pharmacy OR it’ll allow you to see combination of local pharmacies which will give you the overall lowest out-of-pocket spend (navigating you from one pharmacy to the next in order fill each prescription at its lowest local price).
You’re not the only one Nancy … but now you know, it’s time to make sure you stay on top of things. Fortunately, the ScriptSave WellRx website and mobile app make it fast, easy and free to double-check the cash prices for pretty much any prescription at the local pharmacies in your zip code.
If you’ve not yet claimed your free membership to the program from the special link in the blog post, now’s the time (and don’t forget to share)…
You’re certainly not the only one in that situation, Joely – higher deductibles are becoming more & more the norm.
If you’ve not yet signed up for the ScriptSave WellRx card/app, we’re just a call or click away (and your free membership is available at the special link below)…
Wishing you all the best with your 2018 goals! I am hoping to be healthier this year also. I am already doing a good job of taking my daily vitamins but I have to get active and eat better also.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Stephanie. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
We don’t have regular prescriptions that need filled, but this seems like a great system for keeping on top of your prescriptions and saving money. I am trying to be more organized and healthier in the New Year as well.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Marysa. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Wow, thanks so much for sharing this! We had to cancel our health insurance a year ago because $800/month is just NOT affordable! (It’s more than our mortgage!) Unfortunately, neither are my scripts, especially for asthma. I am definitely going to look into this. Thanks again.
If we can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can price-check the cash-rates that we have negotiated at the local pharmacies in your zip code at the special link below (where you can also download a savings card for free).
If you know others who might be helped by ScriptSave WellRx, please don’t hesitate to share…
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Cindy. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
I used to use quite a few prescriptions until I checked into the benefits of CBC oil. It helps with SO much and it’s legal, regardless of your states cannibis laws (because there’s no THC).
We’re so lucky, being in Canada… I think I pay $2.00 for the migraine medication I used to take, whereas 6 pills for that particular prescription are $100+ without coverage. Gah. I couldn’t do it.
This is an awesome, informative post! Sucks you can’t stack benefits but nothing’s perfect lol
Here’s hoping you remain in good health and don’t need any more prescription, Alysia. That said, there’s no harm and no cost in downloading a free ScriptSave WellRx card just in case.
I will have to check the prices of my medicines on ScriptSave RX. I do what I can to save money before I meet my deductible. Due to chronic health problems, I have a few scripts.
If we can help, we’re only a call of a click away. At ScriptSave WellRx, we make it fast, easy and free to price-check almost any medication at the local pharmacies in your zip code. We do our best to negotiate discounts on as many prescription meds as possible, at as many pharmacies as possible.
If you have any questions, Ada, please don’t hesitate to shout (and if you’ve not yet downloaded your free ScriptSave WellRx card, you can do so at the special link below)…
I use a medication so I wonder if I can get it for less money than what I have been paying with my insurance. It is great to start the new year with new health.
The ScriptSave WellRx program is a cash-based savings program, Melissa, which basically means that the patient is responsible for paying for the script (rather than an insurance provider). However, although we are NOT insurance, it’s certainly not uncommon for our rates to be lower than an insurance copay for some meds (on some plans). It really depends on how good your policy is.
Fortunately, we make it very easy to price-check our rates, and it’ costs you nothing to do it. Just visit the special link below (and feel free to download a free savings card while you’re at it).
If you have any questions, Jeanette, please don’t hesitate to ask. The ScriptSave WellRx website and mobile app can help patients save up to 80% on the cash-price of prescription meds, and we do our best to negotiate savings on as many prescriptions as possible.
Although we’re NOT an insurance-based program, our discounted rates can sometimes beat an insurance copay (but it all depends on the drug and the insurance policy).
I can’t believe the prices some people have to pay for medicine. I am so thankful that I have reasonable insurance prices. I should have my mom check this out, some of hers are pretty high.
If you’re mom has any questions for us, Heather, we’re only a phone call away.
The ScriptSave WellRx program can often beat an insurance copay, and we make it fast, easy and free to price-check the rates that we have negotiated. You can do this at the special link below (…please don’t hesitate to share)…
I am so glad that I have health insurance that covers my meds because some prices are insane! I think this is a GREAT app! I have provided the patients we see at our office with this app to find lower drug prices!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Jaime. Please do feel free to price-check your current copays against the out-of-pocket costs that we’ve negotiated for members of ScriptSave WellRx.
Depending on the medication, you may find that our rates are lower than what you’re paying with insurance. Obviously, that doesn’t happen all the time but, as Stacie shared in her blog post, it’s easy to double-check and the results can be surprising.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Amy … and thanks for sharing the details with friends/family who currently take prescription meds!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Kami. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Myrah, and thanks for downloading our mobile app. If you have any questions, we’re only a call or click away.
If you know anyone else who might be helped by our savings program, please don’t forget to share!
I absolutely love the idea of being able to save a little big of dough on those monthly prescriptions, they always sneak up on me! This sounds like a great service!
I will have to check that app for the hubs. We are all about savings and knowing that you can compare the prices of medicines in that app is great. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Lynndee. If you’ve not yet accessed that free membership for your husband, you can do so at the special link below.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Teri. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below … and put it one side (hopefully to gather dust and never get used, but you never know … and being prepared is always a smart idea).
That sounds like a great program. Any way you can cut costs on things you use every day is a win win. We don’t have this program in Canada, but it is one I would definitely use!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Jenn. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Rose Ann. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
We don’t have any current prescriptions (other than the Epi-pens), and I imagine this is a great way to save. I love finding ways to save money on necessities!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Heather. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Stacie Connerty is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
I love this post! I’m inspired to start welcoming a healthier me in 2018. I’ll have to look into ScriptSave WellRx, and see if I can get meds cheaper.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Audrey. If you’ve not yet checked out our website, don’t forget your free membership at the special link that Stacie shared in her blog post …
This is wonderful information! Thank you!! I had to change insurance companies and my prescriptions are in limbo right now. It makes me sad and angry that people have to pay so much for their prescriptions, making decisions of either buying food, paying rent, or paying for their prescriptions. More people need to know about this. Thanks again!!!
Thanks so much for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx program, Gisele – it seems like this blog post might have been well-timed, given the changes you mentioned to your insurance. If we can help, we’re only a click or call away and don’t forget the free membership that’s available via the special link that Stacie shared in her post…
I think it’s fantastic that you are putting your health as a goal in 2018. I’m trying to do the same. I can’t believe how much you saved using ScriptSave® WellRx. I’ve got to try it for my many daily prescriptions.
If you’ve not yet checked out the ScriptSave WellRx program, Terri, we’re only a click or call away. Don’t forget that our new “Medicine Chest” functionality can let you price-check the least expensive 1-stop-price for all your meds at one pharmacy OR it’ll allow you to see combination of local pharmacies which will give you the overall lowest out-of-pocket spend (navigating you from one pharmacy to the next in order fill each prescription at its lowest local price).
You can download a free membership at
I am always up for saving a buck or two. I didn’t realize that there could be such price discrepancies among pharmacies!
You’re not the only one Nancy … but now you know, it’s time to make sure you stay on top of things. Fortunately, the ScriptSave WellRx website and mobile app make it fast, easy and free to double-check the cash prices for pretty much any prescription at the local pharmacies in your zip code.
If you’ve not yet claimed your free membership to the program from the special link in the blog post, now’s the time (and don’t forget to share)…
I am going to give this a try! My co-pays on medications are going up and up! Thanks for the info on ScriptSave RX!
You’re certainly not the only one in that situation, Joely – higher deductibles are becoming more & more the norm.
If you’ve not yet signed up for the ScriptSave WellRx card/app, we’re just a call or click away (and your free membership is available at the special link below)…
(….and don’t forget to share)
Wishing you all the best with your 2018 goals! I am hoping to be healthier this year also. I am already doing a good job of taking my daily vitamins but I have to get active and eat better also.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Stephanie. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
We don’t have regular prescriptions that need filled, but this seems like a great system for keeping on top of your prescriptions and saving money. I am trying to be more organized and healthier in the New Year as well.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Marysa. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Wow, thanks so much for sharing this! We had to cancel our health insurance a year ago because $800/month is just NOT affordable! (It’s more than our mortgage!) Unfortunately, neither are my scripts, especially for asthma. I am definitely going to look into this. Thanks again.
If we can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can price-check the cash-rates that we have negotiated at the local pharmacies in your zip code at the special link below (where you can also download a savings card for free).
If you know others who might be helped by ScriptSave WellRx, please don’t hesitate to share…
I hope this year is your year. We all deserve to be healthier.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Cindy. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
I used to use quite a few prescriptions until I checked into the benefits of CBC oil. It helps with SO much and it’s legal, regardless of your states cannibis laws (because there’s no THC).
We’re so lucky, being in Canada… I think I pay $2.00 for the migraine medication I used to take, whereas 6 pills for that particular prescription are $100+ without coverage. Gah. I couldn’t do it.
This is an awesome, informative post! Sucks you can’t stack benefits but nothing’s perfect lol
Here’s hoping you remain in good health and don’t need any more prescription, Alysia. That said, there’s no harm and no cost in downloading a free ScriptSave WellRx card just in case.
Thanks for reading all about us!
I will have to check the prices of my medicines on ScriptSave RX. I do what I can to save money before I meet my deductible. Due to chronic health problems, I have a few scripts.
If we can help, we’re only a call of a click away. At ScriptSave WellRx, we make it fast, easy and free to price-check almost any medication at the local pharmacies in your zip code. We do our best to negotiate discounts on as many prescription meds as possible, at as many pharmacies as possible.
My health is my priority this year too. Script Save sounds great. I will have to check it out.
If you have any questions, Ada, please don’t hesitate to shout (and if you’ve not yet downloaded your free ScriptSave WellRx card, you can do so at the special link below)…
(and don’t forget to share)
I use a medication so I wonder if I can get it for less money than what I have been paying with my insurance. It is great to start the new year with new health.
The ScriptSave WellRx program is a cash-based savings program, Melissa, which basically means that the patient is responsible for paying for the script (rather than an insurance provider). However, although we are NOT insurance, it’s certainly not uncommon for our rates to be lower than an insurance copay for some meds (on some plans). It really depends on how good your policy is.
Fortunately, we make it very easy to price-check our rates, and it’ costs you nothing to do it. Just visit the special link below (and feel free to download a free savings card while you’re at it).
I think I will download this app! I could use all the savings I can get! This is awesome! I am excited to try it!
If you have any questions, Jeanette, please don’t hesitate to ask. The ScriptSave WellRx website and mobile app can help patients save up to 80% on the cash-price of prescription meds, and we do our best to negotiate savings on as many prescriptions as possible.
Although we’re NOT an insurance-based program, our discounted rates can sometimes beat an insurance copay (but it all depends on the drug and the insurance policy).
I can’t believe the prices some people have to pay for medicine. I am so thankful that I have reasonable insurance prices. I should have my mom check this out, some of hers are pretty high.
If you’re mom has any questions for us, Heather, we’re only a phone call away.
The ScriptSave WellRx program can often beat an insurance copay, and we make it fast, easy and free to price-check the rates that we have negotiated. You can do this at the special link below (…please don’t hesitate to share)…
I am focusing on my health this year, too!
I am so glad that I have health insurance that covers my meds because some prices are insane! I think this is a GREAT app! I have provided the patients we see at our office with this app to find lower drug prices!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Jaime. Please do feel free to price-check your current copays against the out-of-pocket costs that we’ve negotiated for members of ScriptSave WellRx.
Depending on the medication, you may find that our rates are lower than what you’re paying with insurance. Obviously, that doesn’t happen all the time but, as Stacie shared in her blog post, it’s easy to double-check and the results can be surprising.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Knock on wood, I’m not on any monthly medications, but I know a few who are. I’ll have to share this with them.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Amy … and thanks for sharing the details with friends/family who currently take prescription meds!
YES!! I am all for a healthier me in 2018!! I have many goals for this year! Cheers to our health!!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Kami. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Prescriptions drugs can add up in cost. What a great app. Being able to save just a little sure does add up over time.
We’re just a click or call away, Tara … and if you’ve not yet downloaded your free ScriptSave WellRx, you can do so at the special link below.
Downloading this app right now! It is great. I take a daily medication and so does my husband.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Myrah, and thanks for downloading our mobile app. If you have any questions, we’re only a call or click away.
If you know anyone else who might be helped by our savings program, please don’t forget to share!
I absolutely love the idea of being able to save a little big of dough on those monthly prescriptions, they always sneak up on me! This sounds like a great service!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Allison, we love hearing that you’re excited to use our free program.
If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
I will have to check that app for the hubs. We are all about savings and knowing that you can compare the prices of medicines in that app is great. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Lynndee. If you’ve not yet accessed that free membership for your husband, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Now, that’s a great resource! I don’t take any prescribed meds, but this can be a total gamechanger for my mom! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Teri. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below … and put it one side (hopefully to gather dust and never get used, but you never know … and being prepared is always a smart idea).
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
That sounds like a great program. Any way you can cut costs on things you use every day is a win win. We don’t have this program in Canada, but it is one I would definitely use!
Prescription medication is often very expensive. How wonderful that there is a program available to help patients save! Love that it’s free too!
Thanks for the kind words, Marcie!
If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
This sounds like a smart way to save money on prescriptions. I totally need to check out this app for myself.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Jenn. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Very informative! this will be a big help especially to those who aim to be healthier this 2018 (including me) without spending tons of money.
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Rose Ann. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
We don’t have any current prescriptions (other than the Epi-pens), and I imagine this is a great way to save. I love finding ways to save money on necessities!
I have the same goal to be healthier in 2018. I am also accepting of saving money all I can.
Staying healthy and saving money – GREAT goals for 2018, Tami!
If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
What a great way to save money! I need to check that out and see if I can use it!
Thanks for reading about the ScriptSave WellRx prescription savings program, Heather. If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
This will help people save a little cash this year and inspire them to take better care of themselves. Those are two pretty common goals. I love it!
Yes indeed, Melissa – that’s our hope!
If you’ve not yet accessed your free membership from the blog post, you can do so at the special link below.
Don’t forget that the program comes to you at no cost, so please feel free to share!
Wow, I wish we had this in Canada. It sounds like a great way to save on prescriptions. Best of luck to you this year on your healthy goals!