Wordless Wednesday – Orthodontrepreneur
Orthodontrepreneur (or – thoh – DAHN – truh – pre – noor) n: A child who wants to knock out all of his own teeth in the interest of a hefty payday from the...
I just had to take a picture of this. My son is so excited for Picture Day at school. He erased our whiteboard where we list chores to put this (not sure why this makes me giggle every time I look at it):
LOL! Too cute!
Happy WW!
.-= veronica lee´s last blog ..Human Flowers =-.
haha that is too cute!
It makes you giggle because it’s ADORABLE! 🙂 Loves!
How cute!! I love the “picher” hehe {My WW post: http://bit.ly/bB9Ffs}
.-= Bobbie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Changing Traditions! =-.
LOL, that’s cute! Why is it (for a majority of us) when were young, we love having our picture taken, then as we get older, somewhere along the line, we dont like it anymore. Some even avoid is completely?
.-= MrsMarine´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Bobos Drivin the Boat =-.
That is so cute! Lol. I wouldn’t want to ever wipe it off.
ahahah cutey!
.-= mizhelle´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 197 and Sepia Scene 55 365-279 =-.
How funny, but a great reminder.
.-= Auntie E´s last blog ..WW-The Old Among Us =-.
That is too cute. I would be giggling too!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Halloween Giveaway- The Vampire Boy’s Good Night Goodie Bag! =-.
Too cute! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Have a great day.
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
.-= Kristi {at} Live and Love…Out Loud´s last blog ..Blog2Print Review & Giveaway =-.
That is so cute!!
.-= Hanan´s last blog ..Tackle it Tuesday – with ARM & HAMMER® Power Gell Laundry Detergent =-.
I guess he was EXCITED…woot woot too sweet
.-= Tricia @Nightowlmama´s last blog ..Disneys Beauty and The Beast Diamond Edition on Blu-Ray Dvd Combo Pack =-.
To me, Wordless Wednesday is “Picture Day”, and I am excited about it, too 🙂
That gave me an early morning laugh!
Happy Picher Day! 🙂
.-= stevebethere from bethere2day´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 19 – London Life Around Victoria =-.
So cute. I would never want to erase it
LOL, So cute!!
That is too cute!!
Happy WW!
It’s adorable. I’d giggle every time I passed it.
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..IAMS Home 4 The Holidays =-.
Okay that is too precious! I love when they write out things like that.
.-= Toni @ A Daily Dose´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- The Gulfarium =-.
awww, so cute.
.-= And Miles To Go…´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday 53- All You Need IsApple Pie =-.
Awe, everyone gets excited for PICTURE Day! 🙂
.-= Sara@MommaFindings´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- We Adopted! =-.
That is too funny!
Funny! You know that is how I spelled picture when I was younger as well until my grandmother corrected me.
Thanks for the linky…I’m up too!
That was funny. I hope he wasn’t trying to get rid of the chore list.LOL
That is so cute! I bet he had a great smile for pictures!
Oh that’s so cute! You can tell excitement abounds! 🙂
.-= Stacy Uncorked´s last blog ..Cat Fishing – Wordless-Wordful Wednesday =-.
I love that!!!!
That picture will be even more treasured in 15 years!
.-= Jill´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY! Who says money cant by LOVE! =-.
HAHAHAHA, cute!!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..“Post-It Note” Tuesday Randomness =-.
toooo funny!! You have to give him credit for trying to spell. Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Happy WW!
That’s too funny! Gotta give him credit though!
HAHAHA! That is soo cute!
Ha! That’s hysterical! I bet he had a great “picher”! 🙂
It takes me back many years…I bet your son is a wee treasure and a barrel of laughs…
So cute! Wordless and wordfull all in one!
.-= Angelica’s Awesome Adventures´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Halloween Fashion Sense =-.
LOL Yay for pitcher day! Love it and love that they were so excited about it!
So sweet 🙂 LOL That’s awesome
It makes you giggle because it is cute and funny 😀
That is absolutely priceless.
My little one has a picture day today. He was so excited as well. Had to do his hair and all,lol.
.-= Bibi´s last blog ..We Finally Made It To LEGOLAND – WW =-.
How cute is that!
.-= Candace´s last blog ..Giveaway Tuesday – List Your Giveaways! =-.
All the kids look forward to picture day. How fun to dress their best and have a picture to remember it all.
.-= Deborah´s last undefined ..Response cached until Wed 6 @ 18:13 GMT (Refreshes in 53 Minutes) =-.
You can’t help but to LOVE this!!!!
My daughter keeps a white board balanced on the headboard of her bed, where she writes similarly enthusiastic messages to herself. I love their innocent exuberance.
.-= feefifoto´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Can You Guess =-.
Too cute!
Too cute. Thanks for linking up. Hope you have a great rest of the week.
xo, Supermom Alysha
.-= Alysha´s last blog ..Wordish Wednesday =-.
That is too cute!
.-= Elizabeth @ Table for Five´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday-Our Trip To the Cider Mill =-.
Funny 🙂
.-= Paula´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Apple Picking =-.
Visit from Wednesday blog hop.
I’m following your blog.
Have a nice day,
I would giggle, too. That’s hilarious! I’m glad he’s excited.
.-= Lauren @ Hobo Mama´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Pumpkin patch =-.
That’s hysterical! I’d laugh every time, too! My son’s picher day is tomorrow. Thanks for visiting Woven by Words.
.-= Mimi´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- The Cat’s Paw =-.
So cute!!!
Don;t worry, I’ve done the same! I have stacks of my sons’ drawing and writing samples from every age. I’ll be showing them to my grandkids – hopefully 10-15 years from now LOL
.-= Migdalia aka @MsLatina´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Red Vespa- Blue Vespa- Yellow Vespa =-.
adorable. made me smile. thank you.
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with us.. Greetings from the Speedy DNS.
How adorable! He sounded out picture, awwww.