Twitter Parties - Divine Lifestyle

Twitter Parties

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We love to host Twitter Parties. We usually include me (@StacieinAtlanta – 171,500+ Twitter followers) and 2-4 additional blogger panelists/co-hosts. Each panelist/co-host is specifically chosen based on followers, engagement and previous work history with me plus how they can relate your brand.  There are many hosts that I work with on a regular basis.

A recent party generated 93 million impressions and trended on Twitter

Each blogger panelist/co-host (including myself) will:

  • Extensively promote the party beforehand via social media
  • Post on our blogs to alert our readers
  • Share an RSVP links so we can track attendees and draw prizes
  • RT every question asked by me or the brand (the lead person for the party)
  • Engage with partygoers right before and during the party
  • Alert you if there are any issues that need to be addressed (I.e. customer service, etc ~ It happens every once in a while)

In addition, I will work with you to come up with a script based on the brand messaging that you provide. Scripts are detailed and generally broken down minute-by-minute. I will create a winners form to capture information for prizes. I am also available on Skype or Google Chat 15 minutes before the party and during the entire party.

Within 6 business days of the party, I will provide you with a comprehensive report detailing the Twitter party complete with impressions and highlights.

Interested in having a conversation and scheduling a Twitter Party? Contact me today at