Wordless Wednesday Daddy Love - Divine Lifestyle

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68 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. awww such a lil sweetie! daddy must be so happy πŸ™‚

  2. sweet pictures…. the best love next to Mommys!

  3. Tricia

    So sweet! Dad and Daughter moments are so special!

  4. Incredibly sweet. There’s nothing that compares to it. Daddy’s love is quite special πŸ™‚

  5. So sweet – Daddy love makes them melt and you!!

  6. That is a every special bond isn’t it. Your pictures are lovely.

    Best wishes and Happy WW,

  7. Nothing like the daddy love! My hubby has been gone for 2 weeks, and the kids are going crazy. Precious moments! Happy Wednesday!

  8. Those pics made me tear up a little. Really sweet!

    Thanks for linking up with me!

  9. Aw, these pics are totally melting my heart. πŸ™

  10. My heart is melting! So sweet!

  11. What sweet, sweet pictures! LOVE!

  12. Father’s and Daughters have a special relationship πŸ™‚

  13. Awww ! how adorable ! Daddy love is the best ! and so are Daddy bear hugs !

  14. Love the Daddy Love! So sweet πŸ™‚

    I’m a new follower of your blog, and a new follower via Twitter (@mamakat9) .
    I’ve also linked up with your Wordless Wednesday linky. Thank you!

    They All Call Me Mom

  15. AWE… I ADORE pics of daddy’s with their kidlets… these are just gorgeous

  16. Aww, precious pictures! Love daddy love!

  17. Jen @ One Moms World

    Oh Staci! You have to put these in a collage. Such sweet and beautiful pictures!

  18. Des

    There is nothing like a daughter’s love for her daddy!

  19. Lindsay

    Aw that is so sweet!!!!

  20. Wifey

    Happy Hump Day, Ladies!

    Winks & Smiles,

  21. Love love love this. Sometimes there’s nothing sweeter than a captured hug.

  22. Love daddy hugs!!! It always makes me smile when I catch those moments between my kids and my husband!

  23. Awww those are just the sweetest pictures ever.

  24. Kaili Williams

    How very endearing! Too cute.


  25. That is sweet, little girls love their dads!!
    I am a new GFC follower from WW!

  26. “The only guy a girl can ever depend on is her daddy”

    Name that movie! πŸ™‚

  27. Love the daddy/ daughter pics…. Beautiful!

  28. Hugs are the payoff! Great photos!


  29. What an incredibly sweet picture!

  30. Deborah

    Daddy hugs are the best!

  31. Olivia

    Awwwww… Such sweet pics! Happy Wordless Wednesday… Hope you’re having a great week, full of blessings… πŸ™‚ http://www.OliviaBlueMusic.com/

  32. Marcy Kay

    aww sweet! I <3 daddy photos.

  33. Adore the imagery of little arms squeezed tight around daddy’s neck!

  34. Sometimes a dad is all a little girl wants. Happy WW!

  35. JasonC

    And sometimes all Daddy wants is to feel his little girls arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. I remember this day…I must admit it felt good.

  36. Awe… these are so sweet!! Happy WW!

  37. Visiting from Wordless Wednesday. Please consider sharing your awesome blog on Mom Blog Society! http://momblogsociety.com

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