Wordless Wednesday - Mystery Picture - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Mystery Picture

My son frequently asks to borrow my phone to take pictures. I never know what he is going to shoot. This was my surprise from him for this week.

Can you guess what it is? It makes me giggle every time I look at it. And I get a little grossed out as well.

I love my boy!


For more inspiring photos, check:  The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories

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51 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. LOL That’s gum under a table of some sort. My 3 yr old grabs my iPhone and takes videos of random stuff all the time.

  2. BalancingMama (Julie)

    Ewww, where is that? Funny.

  3. too funny! Can you believe there was actually gum stuck on the inside of my lamshade in the hotel last week. Showed nicely through the beige fabric. Nice.

  4. Alexis (The Exhausted Mom)

    I was definitely thinking about the underside of a table…like a desk in a high school…ew…..

  5. yuck, gum under the table. My youngest always goes for it & GROSSES me out! funny picture

  6. Kim @ Mommies Time Out Today

    Oh yuk! I hate when I’m out somewhere and accidentally touch someone else’s gum under the table.

  7. Ha! That totally grosses me out, but how funny that he takes random pictures for you! 🙂 Thanks for the linky! Safe travels to BlogHer – hope to meet you!

  8. Groooosssss!!! I mean, I knew there would be gum under the table, but THAT MUCH??? Ewww!

  9. Nasty gum! Which is funny cuz I am chewing some right now LOL

  10. Ali

    Now that’s something you certainly don’t see everyday as an adult! What a different perspective!

  11. Eww!! I definitely knew that was gum stuck somewhere, lol!

  12. Hanan

    Ewww…wonder how long that’s been under there! 😉

  13. My boys do this too … I would have no idea !

  14. Haha! I love seeing things from a child’s perspective, too funny

  15. sarah

    gum under a table???

  16. Seriously gross! But an interesting perspective none-the-less…

  17. shilpasharmaonline

    LOL, first I thought poop, then I thought gum stuck on a cardboard.

  18. NYC SingleMom

    ewww but pretty cool looking!!

  19. Whose table is that!? Kinda makes a cool picture though!

  20. Jenny

    Oopps what’s this? I’s that a gum under the table or a dissolve crayons? Please confirm it? I’m super curious to know?lols Thanks for sharing this innocent photo from a kid! 🙂

  21. I think looking at life through the lens of a child is awesome!

  22. you should see my daughter’s iPod! It’s full of wierd pics!

  23. Lindsay

    Ewwwww!!! I still don’t get how people can put their gum under a table. It totally grosses me out to even touch my OWN gum!

  24. Hahaha, too funny. Happy Wednesday!

  25. Definitely looks like gum on a corkboard where u would leave notes or something.

  26. Hmmm, not quite sure but it looks like old, chewed up gum?

  27. We gave my son a waterproof digital camera for his 3rd Birthday, I laugh and am amazed every time I upload his pictures. Is this gum under a table? Yuck, lol that is a lot of gum!

  28. That is some serious amount of gum! Makes for a great picture though.

  29. Tricia

    Ahhh… that’s something my son would do. It’s definately chewed bubble gum under a table!

  30. Ew, my kids are little and always try to eat that stuff. Gross!

  31. Ha, ha that is funny! It looks like gum. Is that right?
    Thanks for linking up happy WW!

  32. makes you wonder what else our kids see that we miss, doesn’t it? lol lol

  33. pretty cool. now he can be oficially responsible for WW pictures

  34. HaB

    Ewwwwww!!!! I thought it might have been marble or a sidewalk and then I realized it was actually chewed gum.


  35. Gum? Kinda gross, but it is so funny what kids find!

  36. lol NO Way that is insane and yes gross at the same time

  37. Ew! Definitely gum from under the table but it looks so artistic!

  38. Deborah

    LOL, Gum under the school desks? Great shots though.

  39. at first I thought it was a sub-floor with paint drips on it… now all I can think of is GERMS! hehee… kids like gross stuff.

  40. EW! It’s the underside of a table with gum, isn’t it?

  41. Definitely gum or something stuck on the underside of a table or bed?? LOL.

  42. Vanessa

    Eeeww gum under the table! Though it looks very cute and full of color!lols Great shots little kiddo! 🙂

  43. LOL, ewww! That has to be gum underneath a table…

  44. Ewwww, yuck.
    Though it is quite colorful.

  45. I love your blog header. Very nice photos in your post today. Come and join the conversations at Self Sagacity and post your Thursday Two Questions. Linky is up now until Saturday.

  46. Wow, I would have never thought it was gum! Never let my girls chew gum, thank goodness! Happy WW

  47. Seriously, I know I’ll get this wrong but it looks like under the sea where rocks and shellfish dwell!

  48. not in a million years would I have guessed what that was!

  49. my kids think i am unfair because the rule is you have to be 4 to chew gum 🙂

    ~candy @ mommypalooza.com

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